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Imagine developers delivering the website to you. You find it terrific.

Then the SEO team comes with an extensive list of changes required. The changes will affect the website’s look and navigation, so web developers are not ready to do it.

SEO vs Web Development? Which side do you pick now?

Let’s take a look.

What is Web Development?

Web Development means making websites and applications for the internet and intranet. Every page and application you browse in everyday life, including blogs, social media, and eCommerce websites, are developed using coding and integrating many technologies.

Web development happens in stages involving planning, designing, coding, testing, debugging, etc. It takes resources and a good team to make a website, be it a single-page portfolio or designing a highly intuitive health care website.

Hire on-demand dedicated developers of desired skill & experience.

What is SEO?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the process of making changes to a website to improve its chances of appearing higher in search engines.

QUICK NOTE: Crawling is a process where bots roam the internet to discover the new and updated content. Once a page is found, Google renders it like a browser would. It determines the query it answers and indexes (added) it to the database. Google displays the most relevant and best page for the query, hence uses 200+ factors to rank the content.

These ‘ranking factors’ can be categorized into three parts:

One Page SEO: Optimizing the content and copy to make it easily consumable to users and understandable to Google crawlers.

Off-Page SEO: Action outside of the website that affects your website visibility. Building backlinks, promotions, guest posts etc.

Technical SEO: Involves tweaking the website’s code and server configuration for better crawling. For e.g: Page elements, HTTP header responses, XML Sitemaps, redirects etc.

Web Development vs SEO and Where they Overlap?

Technical SEO is the most critical part of SEO strategy. If the website’s technical configuration is not set up correctly, the on-page and off-page will not generate the results.

Companies do not have separate technical SEOs. That’s why SEO often chases developers to make them apply their suggestions. Developers have guidelines and limitations to what they can change on a website.

Hence, SEO and Web Developers seem to be on different sides. Though both want a good user experience.

The web Development team who understands the importance of SEO finds the common aspect and builds the website on the common ground. The practice to integrate essential SEO practices within web development is called Web Development SEO.

How do web development and SEO go together?

seo vs development

Despite being different processes, many SEO and Web Development tasks overlap.

  • Mobile friendly
  • Website functionality
  • Website speed
  • Website structure
  • Website design
  • Website security
  • URL optimization
  • Image optimization
  • Code optimization
  • Page’s metadata
  • Indexation

#1 Mobile Friendly

Research shows that 60% of worldwide traffic comes from mobile. Google primarily crawls and indexes the mobile version, and if the website is not mobile friendly, it might not even index the desktop version.


But mobile friendliness is not the limit of web design.

The foldable phones, smart TVs, smart fridges and smartwatches have widened the scope of screen size. SEO specialists would want a 100% responsive website, but it all comes down to web developers.

They must build a website that gives users a seamless browsing experience without breaking the functionality.

Hire dedicated team for your next web development project.

#2 Website functionality

The website opening on all the devices is excellent. But functionality is more important.

If the website visitors cannot read the copy of the website, they will not be able to know your business. The unclickable button and links will pause the visitor’s journey on the site. They cannot contact you if the forms are not working.

A quality website builder ensures that every website element performs as it should.

#3 Website speed

Website speed

Page speed is the biggest reason behind the Web Development vs SEO debacle. SEOs are obsessed with fast-loading websites and core web vitals.

The web development team knows the limitations of technologies. They are well versed with the consequences if speed has given priority over functionality and security.

However, web developers who understand SEO take extra steps to fasten up the website.

#4 Website structure

Developers are keen on making the structure flat as it is fast and helpful to mobile users. SEO, however, would like to show all the important links on the homepage.

Many SEOs recommended having every web page three clicks away from the homepage. It can only be possible through extensive internal linking. A well-crafted website sitemap and Information Architecture (IA) is only possible when web development and SEO work together.

#5 Website Design

Website design and UX play a critical role in keeping hard-earned visitors engaged.

SEO tracks the visitor’s behavior on the website and can pinpoint the areas where they lost them. They make suggestions based on their research, which has to be implemented by the developers.

Adding a quick note, a clear call to action, introducing/removing pop-ups, and A/B test website copy and color are several ways to make a website more useful.

#6 Website security

The development team prioritizes website security. Their reputation is on the line. Sometimes, the speed and functionality take a seat back for security.

For SEOs, SSL certificates are the biggest concern. Google prefers the website to load on HTTPS; hence, SEO wants that for the website. Developers add the SSL to the site quickly.

#7 URL optimization

The incident of the developer’s team messing up the URLs during migration is well known. It keeps the developers and SEO against each other.

A page URL is the address of the page. If you move the page to a new address, the backlinks, internal links and social media shares will show 404 errors. A proper redirection is necessary.

On a technical level, one website might have multiple domain variants, like:

  • http://www.example.com
  • http://www.example.com/
  • https://www.example.com
  • https://www.example.com/index.php
  • https://www.example.com/

Web Development SEO ensures all domain URL variants have canonical tags and redirect to one primary domain URL.

#8 Image Optimization

Most web developers pick the icons and images from the free image websites to use. Image optimization comes under digital marketing tasks.


But when thousands of images are on the website, the developers have to automate the process to fill alt tags. The image alt text helps the people who cannot see, read and choose to listen to the page. It improves the user’s experience.

Finally, the images need to be compressed to maintain website speed.

#9 Code optimization (Java, HTML, CSS minification)

Speed optimization tools talk about code minification so much that even SEO understands it in detail. Good web developers minimize the codes and enable Gzip compressions.

SEO cannot do it themselves, as it contains server configuration and .htaccess file editing. When web development is done with SEO, they write and optimize the code for speed.

#10 Page’s metadata

The metadata includes meta title and meta description, which appear on the Google search page.


Developers typically do not update the meta title of the pages. Often the page name is randomly generated with unreadable words.

The SEO team has to add the keywords to the title and description once the developers complete the production. When the SEO and web designer work together, the page’s metadata is SEO ready from the launch.

#11 Indexation

The web development team works on the staging. The website is kept noindex, so it does not appear on Google by accident.

If the website is noindex, it means crawlers are not allowed to scour the website. Ideally, SEO likes to index the website before the launch because crawling and indexing take time.

Another obstacle is JavaScript. While it is great for functionality, it makes crawling difficult due to client-side rendering. HTML renders easily, but it limits the website features.

Web developers and SEO teams must find a balance for website accessibility and indexing timing.


Web Developers should learn SEO as it gives them an edge in the market. Businesses build websites to market themselves, and SEO is a large part of organic marketing. Web developers proficient in SEO make the work easier for SEOs.

Web developers are responsible for managing the technical aspect of a website. They do not do On-Page and Off-Page SEO. Technical SEO includes canonical tags, redirections, schema, sitemap, robots, and more.

Coding is not essential for SEO, but it helps in SEO tasks like website auditing and reading HTTP requests. A skilful SEO understands the basics of HTML, CSS and Java to identify the technical issues.

Ideally, there should not be any competition between SEO and Web Development. Both are on the same side – the user experience. However, for many reasons, SEO and developers run around each other to make changes. The best way to avoid this clash is to integrate SEO during the development. At Perception System, the web development services follow the best SEO practices and development practices, so the final website is SEO and user-friendly.

The post Web Development Vs SEO: Who leads Web Design? appeared first on Perception System.

Website Development Requirements Checklist 2022 https://www.perceptionsystem.com/blog/website-building-tips/ Tue, 12 Jan 2021 00:00:00 +0000 https://www.perceptionsystem.com/website-building-tips/ Requirements checklist on what you need to build a professional-looking website quickly and cheaply. Read the complete article below.

The post Website Development Requirements Checklist 2022 appeared first on Perception System.


Is your website representing the right face of your business?

Your first impression is your website! Your website is reflecting what truly you are, and this is happening always for all online brands.

In 1 second, each and every second, there are thousands of new websites arrives on the internet, thanks to the bump in the numbers of smartphone users and internet services going on an evolutionary path towards 5G – But yet millions of websites are losing their momentum due to lack of keeping web 2.0 standards, W3C compliances, SEO friendliness and mobile responsive practices.

Web development with the best practices in mind, while planning your web development checklist for your online business, make sure you follow all tips and pre-requirements through the roadmap of its best foot forward.

Do you want to lose your website visitors’ trust? If not, then find the best practices & tips, we as a website development company are discussing here for any professional website.


Important Factors Affecting Your Website Development Strategy

If you’re working on building a new website for your online business or planning to redesign your existing web solutions, there is a website development checklist that you must consider once you have web development requirements on hand.

Let’s have a look at the below-listed checklist for the most influenced elements affecting your web development plan.


Determine the Area of Interest

Firstly, you need to decide the business niche and market drift, which has potentials and can select the one allowing your existing resources, expertise, and knowledge practices. You should find what kind of interested service can make your business more competitive and unique for instance, B2B/B2C services, retail business, and e-commerce platform.

Remember, if you decided to develop your marketplace web portal and successfully determined the business niche, you have to research and study the scope of the domestic and international market as well.

Hire on-demand dedicated developers of desired skill & experience.


Understand your Clients Business Needs

It is also most important that you identify your customers and their needs to come up with unique ways to attract them to your business, products, or services. When it comes to digital interaction especially for online shopping, online education, and b2c marketplace, where your customers are more intense to meet their needs.

The first step toward creating the types of customer digital experiences that really achieve your objectives as happy customers.


Determine your Budget

You can manage the finance effectively as you need to go with perfect budget planning to maintain it successfully. You can start with excellent project execution plans and spend your hard-earned money carefully by designating the perfect agile web development strategy.

To develop a robust Internet presence within the budget threshold, you should come up with effective software development and partnership strategy.


Analyse Return on Investment

Of course, the ROI can be measured in numerous ways depending upon the nature of the portal, let’s say the Electronic Health Record System may have the KPIs to improve efficiency, but a patient portal will be with even more patient engagement. While will for online Education Portal, you need to put some sort of KPIs measure in terms of Hours user engaged on eLearning Portal, which is commonly referred to as an LMS and Learning Management System.

It would help if you always remembered that you are running a portal for earning a maximum profit at the end that realizes and hence develop your revenue models prior.


Avail Efficient Project Management

Across the software industry, numerous start-ups are failed because of poor management. Portal launching planned scrambled depending on how sensibly it is managed, and such project always struggles due to lack of smart project management.

With modern collaborative PMS tools like Slack, Trello, and Asana, you can shape up the execution plan running seamlessly, while lacking such agile process, customer and so your business returns grieve over at the end.


Leverage Cost-effective Hosting Infrastructure

In order to implement and deploy your portal website on the internet world with the most effective and realistic approach, you need to follow the operative infrastructure structure and its guideline. The web hosting and deployment infrastructure including domain, hosting, file storage and CDN caching mechanism that can enable your web platform with solid user engagement and to find your business to keep breathing online 24X7.

This cloud be leveraged by utilizing cloud resources effectively, implement some guidelines with the aim of utilizing each resource of your server infrastructure in an efficient manner. Remember, the next era is of cloud computing. Pay as you go, being a very cost-effective outlook of hosting now.


Selection of the Right Web Development Technology

From open source to proprietary-based enterprise framework, today numerous web programming technologies exist to create distinct web solutions including SAS web platform, Omni-channel web apps, and enterprise web portals.

Enterprises prefer proprietary platforms due to security concerns, while most businesses opt for open source to leverage them. The selection of web development technologies and platforms for your web portal development depends on your web portal’s nature and the requirements of content management.


Maintain Consistent Performance with Web Portal Support

Launching your site is only a single phase of creating a web portal. Your web portal must remain fully functional in the long term. Besides, you need to maintain the seamless performance of your web portal for a better user experience. Thus, update your web portal with the latest version of the web technology, timely edit the contents, images, and information, manage blog posts, and fix any bugs that appear after launch.


Asses your Portal Usability

A bug can make serious damage to your web portal. It affects your website functionality, resulting in significant business loss. Quality checking for every code is the most critical phase of your web portal. You must need to check each code manually as well with automated tools and fix them before launching the site.

There are still plenty of concerns that demand the attention of website owners and even web developers prior to making a start, and during the web development process, but we can discuss here limited technical requirements for building a website, which is highly important to know.

Web development is a complex process while it is passing through multiple disciple points of web designers, web programmers, quality assurance developers, UX designers. Moreover, the advent of the new technologies may give more challenges from the website requirements gathering to deployment on live internet.


Top Technical Tips to Determine While Building a Website

You have to make sure about your website’s reliability and robustness to your stakeholders, that your code is high-performing, scalable, and manageable. Moreover, you also have to seamlessly manage the project during the development process, and therefore we have compiled a below web development technical checklist with top essentials tips you need to consider for your web project.


Target Audience Analysis

Without an appropriate web development strategy, no online business can achieve its target and best ROI. To develop an effective website strategy, you must define website goals and carry audience analysis at a very early stage. You need to analyze how people will be using your website and why with the below research studies.


Statistical study of user persona on the basis of age, gender, nationality, education, occupation for the B2C audience and for B2B, the criteria such as company size, position, and industry verticals data.


Consumer study based on their behavior and activities including interests, objectives, motivations and opinions.

Marketing behavior

Metrics using historical data of web analytics, saved cookies, browser search history, and other insights.


Web experiences, browser, OS platforms, use frequency, and other useful web preferences data.

Thus, developing a website keeping your user persona in mind may grant you definite success.


Set an achievable Deadline

Designing the website alone can take up a huge chunk of your time if you don’t define a perfect project plan and deadlines. Set daily and weekly sprints for each milestone to avoid being overwhelmed.


Choosing a right Domain Name

The selection of a domain name/URL for your website requires consideration of four perspectives, such as:

Human Perspective

Should be easy to read, speak, and remember.

Brand Perspective

Domain extension depending on the nature of business, county, or business genre. Make it unique to stand out.

SEO Perspective

Should be relevant and containing occasion of your business purpose.

Legal Perspective

Consider copyright and trademark issues.


Preparing the real-time Prototyping

Wireframe development and prototype designing are significant steps before reaching the final design acceptance in the web development process. Advanced technologies for prototyping tools, which provide interactive screen mock-ups with real-time web surfing experience and allow pointing devices to touch gestures and mobile operations. Prototype portrays content navigation through the hierarchy structure.

Prototyping is an iterative process, so you have to limit the number of iteration considering design options and affordability in the sense of effort, time, and resources spent on the prototype design process.


Develop impactful UI/UX Design

After approval of prototypes, UI/UX designers take the step by transforming your prototypes into meaningful and impactful illustrations where low-fidelity and high-fidelity design mock-up being developed.

Meet, communicate, and interact with each other within the stakeholders, design and development team, behaving as an individual user persona of your target audience. Such interaction creates an immense web experience for the real world visitors as close as it can conceivably be.

Designing excellent user experiences requires brilliant UX designers who can think of different perspectives to solve UX problems. The following guidelines may help your website UX developers deliver stunning outcomes:

Audience Expectations

Know the expectations of your targeted audience and find out what interface may work for them. The interface on your website should be meaningful to users, take surveys on each stage of web development and run user experience tests.

Keep it Simple

Keep things simple to avoid distractions and try to bring consistency in web design. Implement a visual hierarchy for highlighting the most important elements first and less afterward.

A good Typography

Select fonts carefully, headers tag as per the rank of their levels right from H1 to H6. Colour is a respected element in establishing relationships and hold the attention of onlookers.

Advanced Navigation

Employ navigation plans according to behavior glooms of your website, and keep navigation menu, breadcrumb, and on-site search outcome more simple, concise and interactive.

Optimized Graphics

Optimize images and graphics elements for quick loading without conceding with quality. Leverage different sizes and resolutions that meet requirements for responsive web design on cross platforms.

Smart UI Elements

Use smart UI elements on each page by the best practices of efficient Call Actions, Read More, Add to Cart buttons and those motivate the users further in their journey.


Content Strategy

Content is king so web development can’t ignore them while designing a successful website. There should have clear and effective information architecture & content layouts focusing on critical matters. Grouping relevant content help visitors to scan it rapidly who makes content unique and relevant, keeps the target audience in mind.

Planning for website content strategy has never been easier, you need to build your content marketing strategy that aligns with trending topics, visitor anticipation, that drives maximum digital experience from your landing pages. Your site content is a vital instrument in helping achieve your marketing goals. Your content strategy will motivate your audience to visit your site, hence you should have a solid consumer-centric content strategy in place.

Website Usability

Content stability is forming the basis for great user experiences on your website. Usability needs a user-centric design, therefore should meet the user goals and rational models that make a website easy to use.

Website Readability

Your content readability measures how easily your visitor interacts with your website. A best readable content strategy hooks the audience by keeping visitor intent in mind, optimum words, motivation to take action on CTA elements.

Website Features & Functionality

Websites without salient features hardly work with user expectations. Your website should be dynamic, interactive, and should update content in real-time.


Web Development Standards

The international standards for web application development that has the unmatched potential to enable web developers to build rich interactive web experiences. W3C is the institute that developed the technical guidelines for a standard web design and development process to amplify harmony for reliability and quality.

If you are learning about Web Development Standards, you may wish to look into the following detail:

Web Coding Standard

Making clear and manageable code at the programming crucial stage of website development. There are several best coding standards that shall be considered including code reusability, avoid hard-coding, scalable coding, and keep code testing and keeping auto-correction.

Page Loading Speed

Google loves blistering fast websites and gives a ranking. People are impatient by nature and don’t like waiting much so leave websites to take more than three seconds to load despite the display of loading animations. There apply image optimization, keep progressive loading in the background, avoid inline JavaScript and CSS, minify the HTML code and finally use caching technic to boost up your website loading.


Today mobile browsers are used approvingly so check your mobile-friendly website, should be responsive for all major browsers and OS.

Security Benchmarks

Following universal security standards and obtaining the latest encryption technologies for your website security are required steps towards offering safe and secure web experiences.


Digital Marketing

A great digital marketing strategy defines the path for online business success, and it is feasible only if your website has search engine optimization and having good search engine rankings. You need to make a perfect digital marketing plan into consideration with all fundamental principles to develop and market your web content and need to develop vital digital marketing strategies by considering all other effective aspects as below:

Search Engine Marketing

As a web designer, you need to deal with when SEO best practices in your mind while building it. You need to take care of SEO-friendly URLs, Meta and Header that should contain primary business keywords, and should follow the true link-building practices and should follow a genuine and organic SEO plan.

Social Media Marketing

Social media rewards high in ranking and following the best SMO practices may help you a lot with social networking site integration and bookmarking.

Client Reviews

Google and other search engines are prioritizing ratings and reviews in their ranking algorithms. Therefore, making provisions to obtaining honest ratings and reviews makes great sense in Internet marketing and trust-building efforts. Google, Yelp, Schema.org offers to code to highlight your web page ratings and reviews in SERPs.

Sitemap Creation

A sitemap is a summary of the entire site and helps bots and users to find all web pages in a place. Keep a copy of XML sitemap updated using the latest sitemap plugins, which are doing automatic updates of pages/links.

Track Performance

Just making the website is not enough. You need to understand how your website is performing, who and how are users coming to your website. Integrate Google Analytics or Mixpanel kind of free or paid search engine analytics tools, it’s great to monitor the site performance, traffic, behavior of visitors, and other useful data for re-marketing.

CTA Strategies

Effective CTA design is a vital element to accomplish your visitors’ goals throughout the lead generation process. While designing CTA, you need to keep Inquiry Form, Call & Contact Button, Product & Service Navigation, Social Sharing Icons, and other converting “Call To Action” elements’ design, size and color in mind.

User Onboarding

Educate your visitors and leads them to achieve the goals of both users and websites. Use a variety of engagement techniques to guide your users through the website journey such as tips on the cursor, hover pop-up, interactive modules, off-canvas notifications, and so many others.


Website Deployment

Without the right deployment roadmap, you cannot publish your website on the Internet and run it successfully on time. Website hosting involves keeping your web application streamline between pre-production and development servers concurrently. You should minimize your risk by using a separate production server for a various stages of deployments, such as development, testing, pre-production and production.

Selection of Hosting Provider

Website speed is an important factor in search engine ranking. Hosting services have greater impacts on loading performance. Besides these, hosting influencing many other website success factors. Therefore, the selection of web hosts is crucial, and only your web developers can offer the right technical help to show a way to cut through hosting jargon and allow you to make an informed decision.

Maintenance Plan

Proper maintenance of your website allows it to provide services in the long run and increase ROI. To ease the maintenance process, your website code should be comprehensive and clear so any level of a skilled developer can attain it.

Monitor Changes & Updates

Proper monitoring is needed once your new website is live for real-time operations. It’s important to keep watching whether everything works as intended. There are probabilities to arise so many updates and change requests even users encounter bugs, errors and issues. A good tip for keep health checking for your website releases, updates and you’re your development resources ready in case something needs to be fixed instantly.

Hire dedicated team for your next web development project.



There are tons of factors influencing website success related to web design and the web development process. Therefore, the given list and tips may prove useful for website owners and website developers. So, the article may be the most influencing landfill to follow before going for online business and during the web developing process. These suggestions may help you to create your own website without all possible hurdles and over expenses.

Moreover, everybody is looking for a trustworthy web development company with a solid portfolio and adequate infrastructural facilities to foster creativity and collaboration to work on high-end web development projects from offshore clients. Based on the above aspects, you need to select the right Website Development Partner straightaway and you should not put your website’s success at risk – check out our web development services at Perception System and start building today with our free, fun, and easy-to-understand website requirements checklist!

The post Website Development Requirements Checklist 2022 appeared first on Perception System.

Next Generation Web Development – For Every Business Website https://www.perceptionsystem.com/blog/next-generation-web-development-for-every-business-website/ Thu, 12 Mar 2020 14:04:25 +0000 https://www.perceptionsystem.com/?p=30890 The perceptions about having a business website have gone through transformational changes over the past decades. Studies have shown that 70-80% of customers first check out the website before deciding to do business with a company or an individual. Having a good futuristic website is so important that 38% people stop engaging with a business […]

The post Next Generation Web Development – For Every Business Website appeared first on Perception System.


The perceptions about having a business website have gone through transformational changes over the past decades. Studies have shown that 70-80% of customers first check out the website before deciding to do business with a company or an individual.

Having a good futuristic website is so important that 38% people stop engaging with a business whose website they don’t like.

Hence, it is very important to know what your visitors expect when they come to your website.

  • What are the visitors looking for?
  • What are the features that enable them to absorb your message and then react favourably?
  • How do they come across your website?
  • How often do they interact with your website before deciding to do business with you?

Since the entire essence of having a website is to cater to the expectations of your visitors, it is very important to know what impact current technologies and trends have on their behaviour and how you can make your website future ready.

Listed below are 7 things, or seven indicators, that can help you get the website according to your most specific business needs.

Your Website Layout must be Mobile-first

More than 50% of people might be accessing your website on a mobile device, that is, on a smaller, portable screen. To know the exact number of people accessing your website through their mobile phones, check your Google Analytics section.

We don’t mean to say that you completely ignore the desktop. Your layout must be liquid in the sense that it seamlessly adjusts the content and design according to the size of the screen.

Formerly, having a mobile-first website design used to be an option or an afterthought. But nowadays, and even in the future, it is more important to have a mobile-first website design

Please remember that a big chunk of the world population is accessing the Internet for the first time through their mobile phones and not through PCs and laptops. They are more accustomed to viewing websites in a responsive mobile layout.

Hire on-demand dedicated developers of desired skill & experience.

Website Development framework has a big impact on your Website Sucess

A framework is a basic architecture that gives your website an underlying shape. It takes care of the structure of your website and makes sure that it doesn’t break under critical situations. Building individual HTML pages are no longer preferred.

For example, a robust framework will ensure that a wider screen has a sidebar (or multiple sidebars, depending on your choice) when viewed on a PC or a laptop but then the same sidebar gets adjusted at the bottom when someone views that website on a mobile phone or a tablet, keeping overall layout attractive, user-friendly and easy to access.

You can either use a framework/CMS like WordPress or Drupal. Both these frameworks allow you to have liquid layouts that are highly attractive and presentable and at the same time seamlessly scale according to the size of the screen, automatically adjusting various elements.

People may be accessing your website in a highly distracted state of mind

How you structure information and various elements on your website is very important. Everything must be immediately accessible. Since most of people may be accessing your website through their mobile devices, it is important to keep this in mind while planning the layout of the website.

Probably they may be using their mobile devices while sitting in front of a TV while sitting in a hotel or an airport lobby or during transit, they may be in a highly distracted state of mind. Design your content and layout accordingly.

Different people may have different search intent

People may have different information needs when they come to your website. You need to provide content and information based on those needs. They may be ready to do business with you or maybe they are just exploring different options and for that, they need the right information.

Hence, it isn’t just important to have better search engine rankings, but it is also important to improve your design that draws targeted traffic ultimately increasing your conversion rate. Needless traffic is no longer encouraged. What matters is search engine traffic that converts

Voice Search ready Website

Just in the US, over 60 million people use voice-controlled devices to find information on the Internet, for example, Google Home, Amazon Echo, Cortana, and Siri.

Your website must be developed accordingly that makes it easier for voice-enabled devices to read content and convey it in an easy manner as possible to your prospective customers and clients.

Artificial Intelligence-powered Chatbots

Chatbots are the chat interfaces that you see on various websites. When you ask a question, there is a great chance that a bot is answering instead of a human being.

Through Artificial intelligence, chatbots begin to build their own repository of questions and answers. It responds back to the queries of questioners using the list of questions and answers that have been fed into the system. Analyzing the question and its various words and phrases, it interacts with your visitors automatically.

At the same time, it uses the new information to expand its knowledge base. There are many off-the-shelf chatbots available or you can get one built according to your particular needs.

Changing the dynamics of your website according to Big Data Analytics

Big data is a rapidly evolving science not just today, but also in the coming future. It means collecting data out of user behavior on your website using artificial intelligence.

A small example: the embedded artificial intelligence on your website detects that when people access a page XYZ on your website, they buy more from your website. The embedded artificial intelligence system can automatically begin to highlight page XYZ to the new visitors to improve your conversion rate.

Similarly, another system can allow your visitors to change the theme of your website on-the-fly. Then the system can analyze which theme increases your conversion rate and then begins to show that theme by default to the new visitors.

Why is it important to know about the latest Web Design trends?

There are many reasons. You want to leverage the trendy technologies to maximize the user experience on your website and this, in turn, gives you more business. You also need an easier way to maintain and update your website with as minimal effort as possible so that your visitors see the latest information on your website. This drastically brings down your maintenance cost.

Modern web development technologies also come with lots of safeguards against cyber-attacks. For example, if you use a contemporary framework compared to a framework that was built in the mid-2000s, it will be more robust and have a greater number of capabilities to ward off cyber-attacks.

Whether you have a one-page website or a website containing hundreds of pages, being fully aware of the available technologies gives you more choices and a sure footing. Above all, it gives you a better conversion rate throughout almost all the recent available devices.

Hire dedicated team for your next web development project.

Final words

Businesses need to have more appealing and responsive websites to improve their credibility and enhance reputation as an authority. Perception system team keep future trends in mind and implement innovative ideas and pursue the most recent development trends.

Our web development experts have hands-on experience which allows us to build next-generation websites and applications throughout the wide spectrum of industry segments.

Over the past 17 years, we have completed many digital projects globally. Our years of Web Development expertise have earned us a considerable customer satisfaction rating with our clients ranging from Mid-Market Enterprises to leading educational institutions like Harvard University and NGO’s like Georgetown University’s Bridge Initiative Get in touch with us for a free consultation.

The post Next Generation Web Development – For Every Business Website appeared first on Perception System.

2020 Business Website Development: Essential Steps to Consider https://www.perceptionsystem.com/blog/essential-steps-for-developing-a-business-website-in-2020/ Mon, 03 Feb 2020 06:26:55 +0000 https://www.perceptionsystem.com/?p=30735 Essential steps to Consider to Create an impressive and impacting Business Website helping your business compete effectively in the online marketplace.

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“A website is a window
through which your business introduce
Self to the world.”

From a business viewpoint, a website is a great marketing device a company can ever have. So, having an elegant website is required for organizations, especially small business owners who want to save important bucks on traditional marketing. Though traditional marketing is simple, easy to access, however, it is expensive in nature.

Enterprise portal development of Perception System services assists and deliver operational services to users for end-to-end insights across the whole business. It gives exceptional visibility into log-ins, workflows, operational activities, configurations and the security of server with network components. It covers patron insights whether; it be conventional datacenters or distributed cloud infrastructures.

Because of this, organizations larger enterprises or startups that have a fixed budget should invest wisely. But, to make your money valuable, it is imperative to include all main points to create a robust and impeccable website for your business.

Though website development is a difficult task, you need to understand the things that can create your business website highly productively. Here are the suggestions: The web is full of different sites, and we’re not just talking about sound design. There are many other factors besides how your website looks and get into customer-friendly… Don’t share something that inspires them to do business with you.

Throughout the contact information to customer recommendations, some of the factors that, a small business website should have it for the efficient assistance for the business.

Nowadays, an online presence is vital for any business, even for smaller business stores that don’t work with eCommerce. According to research, 97 perce100nt of customers looking for local businesses online, wherein 94 percent of B2B buyers, search for online companies first.

Developing a website isn’t especially difficult one with many site creation tools that are available. Whatever software you select, consider these base designs in mind.

Know your requirements

If you start without searching for your requirements, your time and money are going to get wasted. The simple reason is to get the idea. Many startups or small business owners try to go with the flow. But if their business is different from others, they require a diverse outlook. Don’t invest money in creating a masterpiece that is not going to perform.

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Create your site Responsive one

In 2016, OuterBox shared in the analysis that more than 62 percent of buyers made purchases using cell phones and 2016 stats present that more than 90 percent of shoppers use their smartphones even in retail stores for comparison of prices and product reviews. Moreover, 40 percent of consumers will move to a competitor if they have inadequate experience on a mobile website.

“If you plan on running a successful eCommerce website, or any website, you absolutely must cater to mobile users and consider mobile shopping“, written by Justin Smith, CEO of OuterBox, in his company blog.

Add Clear Description about Self

Someone who is struggling within your website shouldn’t have to research the work to find out what exactly it is that you perform. That indicates your name with summing up your products and services right on the homepages, says John Zhuang, of Web-design and SEO-optimization firm.

“Share with people that this is the proper website that they were looking for,” he says. It attracts visitor’s attention promptly within moments, and inspire them to stay on your website longer.

Prefer good domain Name

Your domain name shows your site address, which is the entry point of your website. It must create the best impression for usage purposes, as well as search engine optimization (SEO).

Have a call to action

Every page on your website should attract the reader to do something – call, sign up for a service, buy a product, download a white paper. Make sure to have a decent idea to do it; whether it’s a button or link. Keep it above the fold if required, so readers don’t need to scroll unnecessarily looking for it.

Keep your design simple

Utilize the fonts and colors in such a way that it can fetch the attention of visitors. Short paragraphs with bullet points make information more scannable and appealing in nature which everyone would love to read.

Creative and Quality Content

The website is your first impression on the customer. You should be regularly open to provide them with what they’re asking for, and perhaps even give them a reason to keep coming back.

Quality and creative content is a charm for SEO. You can keep your content from getting old and give your company some personality, by adding a regularly updated blog or connecting in social media feeds.

Importance of UI & UX

It is important that you provide the best experience possible to the users of your website so that they keep on visiting it again and again. There is nothing more important than ensuring that your users have an excellent experience.

UI and UX are like one side of the coin. UI represents how the design looks like, wherein UX goes with the work pattern.

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Technological Platform

And above all, the technological platform that is needed to develop the website. As this varies according to the unique requirements of your website, you need to connect with platform experts. Only highly skilled experts can help you find the most appropriate Web Development and Design platform based on your end-user requirements and business needs.

Our team at Perception System is consistently doing this for more than a decade and can suggest you the best next-generation platforms to build your website effectively and efficiently with scale.

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Is it the Right Time to Redesign Your Website? https://www.perceptionsystem.com/blog/is-it-the-right-time-to-redesign-your-website/ Mon, 21 Oct 2019 06:17:03 +0000 https://www.perceptionsystem.com/?p=30106 It is easy to know why you need to redesign your website. But making this a reality and implementing it, is not a simple task. We have all the resources to help you.

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Knowing when to redesign your website isn’t easy. Every business needs an effective website, but being able to understand when it’s working well and when it needs a change can be difficult.

There can be plenty of reasons to upgrade your website, but they don’t all apply to your site at the same time. However, according to a recent survey, four out of five internet users think less of a business, if the website is not being updated on a regular basis. More worryingly, nearly 40% said they would think twice about using a company’s goods and services if their website isn’t user-friendly and packed full of fresh and useful content.

It is very important for you to understand the signs which indicate that your website is not working well, as it should be. There are some obvious reasons to redesign your website, few major are discussed below.

Your website isn’t generating sales or leads

If you’re not getting any conversions or interest on your site, this is a sure sign it’s time for a redesign. Websites can be an incredible business tool, but competition is tough and there are dozens of reasons why a person might leave a site. If it looks old and outdated, is operating slowly or is simply difficult to navigate, it will be gone in seconds.

Low conversion rates or high bounce rates are key reasons to redesign your site. The bounce rate is the percentage of people who leave your site after visiting only a single page. These can vary depending on the nature of your site, but the average should be somewhere around 40 to 50%. If your bounce rate is significantly higher, then it might be time for a redesign.

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No conversion funnel

Essentially, your site is designed to turn your visitors into potential customers. That means creating a funnel that takes the user from a landing page to the sales page as quickly and easily as possible. This is all based around making your site easy to navigate, having visible calls to action (CTAs) and a streamlined checkout process.

If you have no real idea about conversion funnels or haven’t designed your site to act like one, then it might be time for a redesign.

It looks old and tired

Just like the real world, the virtual world is subjected to trends and fashions. The grammar of design changes over time and sites that look outdated and old can be put-off. You wouldn’t buy goods from a shop that has a scruffy and old appearance. In the same way, a website that uses old-fashioned fonts, too busy or distracting, or uses cheesy stock imagery, impacts negatively for business.

Ideally, you should be making small regular updates and changes to the layout and design to keep things fresh. And if you haven’t been doing this, then it’s probably time for a refresh.

It lacks trust

These days, more and more of us buy online. The suspicion about shopping on the internet has almost disappeared. This is because businesses have worked hard to establish trust for their goods and services. For this, they have set up tools such as secure server signs, customer reviews, and testimonials, or they get affiliated with the trusted associations or organizations that allow their emblems to be displayed.

The more trusted and credible you can make your site, the more effective it will be in attracting your customers. Use the tools at your disposal and make sure you create a bond of trust with your customers.

Is your website Responsive?

By 2025, it is estimated that almost three-quarters of the people will only use their smartphones to access the internet. That means you absolutely must make sure that your website is responsive and works across all platforms and devices. If you don’t, you could miss out as much as 75% of your business within a few years. This is an extremely important sign that your website is due for an upgrade, and you need to get it checked by Web Developers.

Is your Website Optimized for the Search Engines?

Search engine optimization is one of the least understood tools that can be used in website design. Essentially, the purpose of SEO is to make your site more visible to search engines like Google when their bots scan your site. So, having certain keywords used in the right places, filling your site with good-quality and relevant content, and making sure internal and external links are in place is a key for getting high rank for your website.

This does not mean simply stuffing your site with keywords, as many people believe. Search engines are far more sophisticated these days, thus you should make sure that your site is updated, fresh and useful.
So, it’s easy to know why you need to redesign your website. But making this a reality and implementing all the above isn’t simple if you don’t have the time or skillset. That’s where we come in. We have all the resources to help you redesign your site. If it’s not working as well as it should or you simply feel it’s time for an upgrade, then get in touch with our team.

Hire dedicated team for your next web development project.

If you’re just not sure whether you should redesign your site, then we can also help you to find out if it’s time. We’ll carry out a quick survey of your site and see how you can take advantage of our website design services, then recommend any changes to give your business the boost it needs.

The post Is it the Right Time to Redesign Your Website? appeared first on Perception System.

10 Reasons Web Developers Should Learn Web Designing https://www.perceptionsystem.com/blog/web-developers-learn-web-designing/ Mon, 06 Feb 2017 00:00:00 +0000 https://www.perceptionsystem.com/web-developers-learn-web-designing/ Now, it becomes essential for web developers to learn web designing, but you know why?And what type of benefits they can get by learning web designing? Go through this blog and know why developers should learn web designing!

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As a professional web developer, you are only responsible for website development. Right? You may only care about developing interactivity on the website like submitting forms to the database, jQuery and Ajax validation forms, sliding menus, rollovers and many other features of the website, which requires programming skills.
Now, what about designing part? Have you thought about learning web designing anytime as a web programmer? No? Well, in this blog I would like to encourage web developers to learn web designing skills. It is because learning designing skills may benefit them in a good deal in the long run.

Let’s have a look at why web developers or web programmers should learn web designing skills and how it can benefit them.

User Experience Considered as a Leading Thing

These days, developing a high-end website needs a lot more than just coding. Instead of considering how interactive your website is, website visitors may expect to have a good experience.
Therefore, if you have ignored the design of website and overall structure, it may look bad. Hence, you can lose website traffic considerably as well as ranking in bonus.

Does a web developer needs to do more than just code generating?

With rapid changes in web development technologies in the modern era, web developers should think their role out of traditional programming role.
By nature, the web developers are problem solvers, so they mainly opt to make the web pages, just working, instead of trying to make web pages attractive and capable of delivering excellent results. Unfortunately, just coding or programming role may not appropriate these days.

Let’s take an example

Suppose you are a client and opt for developing a medium to big size website. Now, you are going to hire a team of web programmers or web developers with programming skills only.
Naturally, they web programmers hardly accustomed to web designing and graphic designing tools. If they are, it is expected they never match the skills to the seasoned web designers who have spent a considerable amount of time and efforts to acquire expertise.
Therefore, you need to hire another team or a web designer with graphics and other designing expertise at the professional level. However, it is good to hire two separate entities, web programmer/s, and web designer/s, for a medium to a big project, but what about small and medium projects with budgetary constraints?
Naturally, you might be looking for a web developer or a small team of web programmers with both skills, programming, and designing. Thus, you can save time, money, and resources to obtain website or web application within your budget as well as before deadline to sustain the fiercely competitive market.
Moreover, there are some additional advantages for that a developer should go beyond coding and enhance their web designing skills:

  • In order to become more professional and responsible member of the team or a company
  • If a professional web developer creates an attractive website, it may go in favor of web developer to get more projects or big applauds from clients or company where developer is working
  • When a developer working on both tasks, designing and programming, it may not leave any room for dispute or gaps in collaboration/communication

Reasons Why a Professional Developer Should Learn How to Design

As we all know that being a web developer is a great thing, but if being a web developer, who knows how to design eye-catchy website, it is really a very great thing. Have a look at the reasons why a web developer should learn to design:

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Boost Attractiveness of Your Website

A web developer can easily distinguish a beautiful website from a horrible one only when the developer has the knack to judge the web design. Logically, it is only possible when a web developer knows designing and have spent the time of a number of designing projects in real life.
Therefore, a web developer, with an eye as visual expertise can boost the aesthetics of website more. Thus, the website may become more refined.
Moreover, the web designing skills can lead web developers to deviate acclimatize aesthetics during the web development process.

Can Incorporate Material Design Trends

Material design is based on geometric shapes, brings depth and realism to your site. Therefore, if a web programmer has expertise in web designing using material design, it would be great for a project.
Moreover, material designing involves more code and less designing work, so it makes life easy for a programmer.

Can Make Responsive Web Design

Mobile friendliness for a website or web application is compulsory to attract a vast audience of mobile users and gaining ranking in SERP. Therefore, if a web developer is capable of responsive web designing and coding accordingly, it makes big differences for a client with limited budget and timeline.

Can Make Single Page Parallax Website

Touch screen design favors infinite scrolling, so the latest web design trends favor single page website with tons of multimedia content. That visually eliminates like menus and some navigational architects.
For a web designer and programmer, it is challenging to bring everything on a single page and gives the best UX as well as usability. If a web programmer can acquire such skills, it proves cost-effective to hire the web developer with designing and programming flairs.

Can Bring Unique Images

Yesterday, it was stock photos rocking on the web, but today unique and customized images are working on the web. It needs some graphic designing and web designing skills to bring unique multimedia content including images, videos, and animations on your website.
Thus, it is mandatory for a web programmer to have designing skills on hand to bring uniqueness.

Can Bring Data Visualization

Today data and analytics is becoming more significant than ever. Therefore, data presentation skills such as tabulation, graphs, charts, and other visual presentation skills can make much difference in aesthetics, comprehensions, and UX of your website.
If a web developer can learn these during web designing learning process, your website might have great appeal and excellent user experiences across the devices.

Can Incorporate Minimalistic Web Design Trends

In 2017, minimalism has taken a whole new level, and ‘card’ concept is rocking. Technically, cards are entry points on the website and act as doorways to gain details regarding the content presented on the card.
Custom photos and designs are content on the card to suggest a topic visually and entice website visitors to click to engage further. Images and multimedia content including videos are best ways to make effective presentations with consumption of less space.

Can Bring Next Generation Web Development Trends

Today many upcoming technologies are under process to give new dimensions to the web development industry. For instance,

  • The progressive web app development using manifest, service workers, and shell architecture technologies
  • Static website development using static web page generators to bring dynamism with the best performance
  • Responsive web development for desktops, laptops, smartphones, tablets, and some wearable devices

Therefore, web programmers must learn the modern HTML, CSS, and scripting technologies (JavaScript, CSS Media Queries, jQuery…), tools, and techniques to deal with upcoming trends in 2017.

Can Bring Conversational UI

The latest trends suggest the more usage of conversational user interfaces such as chats, IM, and other natural language interfaces to interact with companies, services, and bots.
Therefore, web developers with designing skills can incorporate these conversational UI elements with their websites and web applications easily.

Can Bring High-performance

People and search engines may find hungry more for high-performance. Loading speed of your website is the first target among the key performance parameters to hit.
Therefore, web programmers must learn the image optimization, GIF-like lightweight animation development, and other smart UI element designing techniques to satisfy website visitors as well as bots to rank your website and bring good conversion rate with high ROI.

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3 Simple Tips on How to Learn Web Design

Look for Motivation: You can check-out wonderful web design and its trends for motivation, and ultimately you can refine your web design taste.
Try-out Some Web Design Tutorials: You should also practice some of the tutorials about web design as it will enhance your web design skills and expertise.
Get Some Feedback: The best way to learn is to begin doing and getting feedback. The main thing is to ensure that your web design is easy-to-use and simple, offering a rich content and feature set.

Last Thoughts

Learning web designing is extremely important for web developers as they can get a lot of benefits by learning web designing. Thus, every web developer should learn web designing as it can benefit them in many ways.
Stay connected with us to get more information on web designing, and its new trends that you can adopt. Moreover, you can also hire a professional web developer to discuss your project requirements.

The post 10 Reasons Web Developers Should Learn Web Designing appeared first on Perception System.

Which are the Most Common & Deadly Web Designing Mistakes to Avoid? https://www.perceptionsystem.com/blog/common-deadly-web-designing-mistakes-avoid/ Thu, 10 Dec 2015 00:00:00 +0000 https://www.perceptionsystem.com/common-deadly-web-designing-mistakes-avoid/ Being a novice in the web designing industry, you might be facing a lot of problems while designing your first website. Well, it is not essential that only novice designers are making mistakes as there are many designers, who have done some common mistakes. Let’s have look at these common mistakes!

The post Which are the Most Common & Deadly Web Designing Mistakes to Avoid? appeared first on Perception System.


Do you want to your business online?

Have you decided to set-up your own personal website?

If yes, it is the best idea to expand your business worldwide. When it comes to building your own business website, design plays a very significant role in growing your business, but many a time a lot of website owners are neglecting this point.

Taking your business online can get numerous visitors, who will judge your website by its style, design, and layout. Certainly, every single business needs customers, but why would they visit your website and why would they trust you? But you can grab their attention and force them to explore your website, leaving a good impression on their mind.

At the time of designing any website, it is essential to take care of even a minor detail as it can give a huge impact on your business in the near future. You can easily generate a lot of revenues if you make your customers and visitors satisfied with your site.

Still, there are a lot of common mistakes that made by website designers while designing a website, so it is necessary to avoid those mistakes and design a perfect looking website.

Below, we have listed some of the most common and deadly web design mistakes that every designer should avoid, so let’s have a look at it:

Inappropriate Use of Template

There are various novices, who make this mistake while designing a website. For big businesses, we can ignore templates, but when it comes to small and the bootstrapped startups, they are very much important.

However, if you have selected a theme, it is essential you hire a professional designer so that he can easily and properly customize it. In addition to this, you make sure that selected template must be responsive as well as multi-purpose.

All pre-built template based websites come with a very weak visual connection between the logo and the website. It is important that the logo must have all those colors that are not repeated on the website and make sure to have unique fonts.

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Making Use of a Default Bootstrap Look

Another biggest mistake is to making use of a default bootstrap layout for your business as you can’t fool by using Open Sans, and it can be difficult to discriminate between the website using a similar design.

Because it is one such factor, which can affect the trust of your brand. One of the best giveaways, which the website is built with a Bootstrap is Font Awesome.

This one has been stylish because of the exhaustive library of numerous icons, which demand a reliable visual language. One can use it for their advantages as compared to other difficult edges. The major advantages of the applications can be made wonderful with different icon sets, which show the core selling points or the idea.

Make Use of Dark Background

When it comes to talking about the background color of the website, it is the biggest part of the website and must be picked very carefully. If you are considering a rule, it is not a good choice to convert the background of the entire website into black.

There are various designers, who prefer light gray color, and white is somewhat fine. Make sure that you do not make the gray color darker as it can make the content difficult to read. Therefore, always use a dark background for your site.

Unorganized Content Layout

We all know that the website content is what increases traffic to it. The way content structured is what will make it a success or a failure. Users are not reading content unless they found it totally important, but scan through information and take out different points of interest on a web page.

There are many designers, who are just putting a block of text on the web page and fully neglecting headings, bullets, paragraphs, sub-headings and etc. Website owners can make use of a right page title for every single web page so that users exactly know where they are.Generally, the bad part in this category is putting inaccurate and irrelevant content on the website.

It is just that the content should agree with the full theme of the website and be useful. In case, if the website page is under construction, why worrying keeping it up.


These days, fonts are extremely important and play a very essential role. However, you are a non-designer and you may not realize it. They will either make or break the design and are appealing letters.

Various homemade web designs have a least contrast between the title of the website and the body font. By altering the font size of your website, you cannot make a huge difference, to ensure that you use bold font for the banner and provide it main concern than the rest of the text.

Unfriendly Screen Resolution

Many of you all may have visited numerous websites, where you have to scroll horizontally. There is strictly a no-no in this modern web design age. You should avoid any type of horizontal design for your website. However, a professional and good designer can build websites, which suffice on most of the screen sizes. 1024 x 768 pixels is the current optimized layout for websites.

Numerous or Equal Calls to Action

If you have numerous pages on your website, ensure that every single should have 1 call-to-action, otherwise your visitors may get confused and will not click on the call to action button. One can take more compared to usual in order to make the decision. Chances are high that users may leave your website.

Unprofessional Copy

For a lot of people, it is quite easy, but make sure that your point is being conveyed. When you are trying to sell something and your copy requires to be in a good and professional manner to understand. You need to be double sure about everything and then make it live.

Complex Registration Forms

We all know that registration forms are extremely difficult. Do you know how much information do you need from the user? Those were old days when a user had to enter huge detail to register to your website.

There are lots of websites, who made most registration fields mandatory and legalize the fields to the extent where the user is frustrated after some of the tries. You make sure that a user visits a website to get information.

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Strictly No to Background Music

Users are not looking forward to cooling, but they are seeking efficiency. It is true that 99% do not care for the music on your website, but some of the designers make it the extremely worst part of your site by putting different background music on every single web page.

So, these are the 10 most common and deadly mistakes of website design that everyone needs to avoid while designing a website. By avoiding these mistakes, one can end up designing a professional and good-looking website for their customers.

Are you in the look of professional website designer, who can guide you? No worries! We have a specialized team of experienced web designers, who have hands-on experience in designing websites for different industry verticals.

The post Which are the Most Common & Deadly Web Designing Mistakes to Avoid? appeared first on Perception System.

15 Best Responsive CSS Grid Systems for designing Website https://www.perceptionsystem.com/blog/responsive-css-designing-website/ Wed, 09 Sep 2015 00:00:00 +0000 https://www.perceptionsystem.com/responsive-css-designing-website/ Want to create beautiful responsive site layout with CSS responsive grid systems?
Check out below listed best and most useful flexible grid tools that used for developing responsive websites without much difficulty.

The post 15 Best Responsive CSS Grid Systems for designing Website appeared first on Perception System.


Grid is a simple block that created of horizontal or vertical or curved guidelines to make eye-catchy designs. With the help of Grid, one can easily arrange graphical elements systematic.

When we are designing web page, we find a system of rows and columns to control the page layout by utilizing a set of CSS classes. Thus, we are considering Grid systems an important part of web designing.

Today, we have a collection of option available for CSS grid systems. Here, we are listed some of the best and most recommended CSS responsive grid systems to use when designing beautifully responsive site layouts with ease.



If you are looking for a rapid responsive development, then Flint is a highly advanced Sass grid framework to check out. It is a responsive grid framework that written in Sass and enable developers to create responsive layouts that created on a sophisticated foundation.

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Jaidee BlueSkyGrid System

Jaidee Sky Grid System

Jaidee BlueSkyGrid System is another popular and lightweight Responsive Grid Framework that is mostly appreciated by web designers.

Crow Grid Framework


Crow Grid Framework is made standalone that means web designers can easily apply to any of their current markup/web project. It is especially stands for column-row.

Unsemantic CSS Framework


The successor to the 960 Grid System, Unsemantic is an amazing fluid grid system. It works just like the 960 Grid System, but rather than using a set number of columns, it is based on percentages.



Skeleton is the best collection of CSS files for website designers, who want to create responsive grid layouts. Skeleton delivers you some basic features for dealing with common web layout tasks like CSS reset to normalize CSS.


Bourbon Neat

Neat grid framework is used to promote clean semantic HTML markup. It uses Sass mixins to avoid additional presentional classes and wrapping div elements. Thinking to use NEAT then get started by reading docs and studying some examples to implement.



Being a responsive grid system’s approach, this framework is all about designing web layouts mobile first. Those web developers, who are concern about populating of markup along with an overabundance of presentational CSS classes, can have an option of Sass’s @extend feature with csswizardry-grids.

Profound Grid


The best feature about Profound Grid is it precise in rendering fluid grid layouts in all the browsers it supports. They achieve such feat by using negative margins to calculate column dimensions.

Columnal CSS


This grid system is the best combination of a couple others with some custom code thrown in. it is an elastic grid while some code are inspired from 960.gs.



Griddle focuses on the modern browser. It generates by using Sass functions and mixins. It also leverages the powers of CSS inline-block and box-sizing properties that provides layouts to some new abilities that doesn’t provide by traditional float-based layouts.

One% CSS


One% CSS Grid is a 12 column fluid CSS grid system that designed as a base for developing responsive web layouts with minimum effort. When using this system, you don’t have to resize and rearrange your layout for each platform separately.

Proportional Grids

built by Boon

Proportional Grids enables to solve the problem that raised due to rescale our layouts, and disproportionate sizes of gutters between different viewing situations. It enables users to fixed units of measurement and being able to have fluid columns.

Responsive Grid System

Responsive Grid

Responsive Grid System is not a framework or a boilerplate. It is a quick, easy & flexible way to develop a responsive web site.


Herow is a timesaving Sass grid system, offering mixins that are simple and easy to customize. It’s atomic mixins are best to deal with responsive problematic. Even, users can easily generate atomic classes to play with it directly in CSS.



A truly mobile first approach towards website design is showed by Gridlock that reverses the responsive web design media query logic. It helps to improve rendering speed a tad bit on mobile browsers.

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Kube CSS Framework>


One of the most advanced and flexible frameworks, Kube helps to spend more time on routine tasks and helps to develop fabulous products. It focuses on success and cover technology behind it.

These are 15 best collections of grid resources for web designers to check out. If you are looking for more information about these resources, then visit here.

The post 15 Best Responsive CSS Grid Systems for designing Website appeared first on Perception System.

12 Best HTML5 Tools for Web Designers to Check-Out in 2017 (Updated) https://www.perceptionsystem.com/blog/12-html5-tools-web-designers/ Wed, 21 Jan 2015 00:00:00 +0000 https://www.perceptionsystem.com/blog/12-html5-tools-web-designers/

Are you a professional web designer or developer?

If yes, you should go through this blog as it contains a complete list of Top 12 HTML5 tools that can make your regular work a lot easier and simpler.

Share your views as well by commenting below!

The post 12 Best HTML5 Tools for Web Designers to Check-Out in 2017 (Updated) appeared first on Perception System.


For web designers and developers, Online HTML5 tools are extremely helpful as they can get huge help in their regular work.These are such tools that are useful to incorporate video, audio, fonts, animations and graphics into web pages.

With these high-end tools, web developers and designers can get huge help in developing responsive website themes and a lot more.If you are looking to get more information on HTML5 and its tools, you can have a look at these HTML5 and CSS3 Forms Tutorials


Fontdragr is the best HTML5 tool that enables users to easily test custom fonts via the font-face at-rule without the need for any CSS coding or knowledge of CSS coding.


You just need to do is drag and drop with this tool. It is considered as a revolutionary way to test custom fonts in the browser. Without any coding, uploading or dragging and dropping, Fontdragr.com’s performance is considerably enhanced.

Eases the awkwardness of testing custom fonts, this tool enables you to instantly load in a font, play around with it and check whether it is right for you or not.

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HTML KickStart

HTML KickStart is an ultra-lean set of HTML, CSS and jQuery files, elements and layouts that especially designed to give you a headstart and save you a lot of hours on your next web project.

HTML KickStart

For rapid website production, HTML KickStart is the only solution that makes your work a lot easier and simpler. Further, this tool can present the main tools that are used in current web design like JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS3, the Blueprint grid.

Compatible with all the major browsers, this tool is nothing to configure, just move the package to the root of your website development.


Liveweave is another best HTML5 tool that has built-in context-sensitive autocompletion for HTML4/HTML5 and CSS2/CSS3, which makes life a lot easier and simpler.


You just need to keep trying the HTML5 and CSS3 tags/elements that you require. We all know that the ease of writing HTML5 and CSS3 will be like a dream.

We all know that developers are all those people, who are sick of wasting hours every week for waiting screens to load, so using this tool on any mainstream desktop browser is a great idea.

Without the requirement of searching the website for the tool, the area to paste your code comes sheer.

Adobe Edge Animate

Adobe Edge Animate, a highly advanced HTML5 tool, allows web designers to develop interactive HTML animations for digital publishing, web and rich media advertising.

Adobe Edge Animate

With this tool, it becomes easy for developers to reach both desktop as well as mobile browsers with ease.

Moreover, users are able to develop content that works exceptionally on mobile devices running iOS and Android operation systems and modern desktop browsers such as Safari, Chrome, Internet Explorer 9+, Firefox and more.


Modernizr is a very handy little JavaScript library that is well-known in the market for detecting the availability of HTML5 native implementations.


With this tool, you can easily target a particular browser and make your website more suitable for that browser. If you have decided to develop HTML5 based websites, this is one such tool that you can use quite often.

We all know that HTML5 is the latest version of the HTML standard initially proposed by Opera Software and still under development.

Moreover, this tool supports with Opera 9.6+, Chrome, Safari 2+, Firefox 3.5+ and more. On mobile phone, this tool supports with Android’s WebKit browser, Firefox Mobile, BlackBerry, iOS’s mobile Safari and Opera Mobile.

HTML5 Reset

Initially you start with basic HTML when you develop websites and then add to it over the years as the code evolves. After that, HTML5 and best practices have come back to irk you.

HTML5 Reset

Therefore, HTML5 Reset tool enables developers to get a way of resetting the clock.

Using this tool, web designers are capable enough to take their old website designs and re-write them as if the first code they every dealt with was HTML5.

Possibly, the template downloaded and used for any of the major browsers for desktop computers. However, it is more a case of integrating it into your website as compare to a case of using the tool on a browser.


For determined HTML5 applications, CrossWalk is a web runtime tool that offers exclusive range of features of a modern browser, combined with device integration and an API for adding native extensions.


With support for both Android and Tizen, this tool is one such tool that suited to mobile devices. No developer wanted an old and outdated device that stops them from using wonderful new APIs.

In the market, with the platform differences you are enforced to assume that every Android WebView works differently. But with this excellent tool, it becomes easy yet hassle-free way to publish HTML5 content to Android. So, what are you thinking for? Just begin using this tool.

Online XRay Tool

A bookmarklet for Internet Explorer 6+, Online XRay is the best tool as it is Webkit and Mozilla based browsers like Camino, Safari, Mozilla and Firefox. People can make use of this tool to see the box model for any element on any web page.

Online XRay Tool

Check-out what’s new in this version as upgrading to future versions should not require changing your bookmark. After adding it in your bookmarks and on any web page, you can use it to see the position, padding, margins, dimensions and more.


A WYSIWYG tool ‘Spritebox’ is specially designed to help out web designers instantly develop CSS classes and IDs from a single sprite image. For web developers, it is an open source resource.

Stuffed with some high-end features, this tool allows users to generate sprites, saving your projects, retina display ready, export CSS, Less or SASS, updated toolset and more.

Apart from this, users of this tool will not get any problem while using it as it is extremely easy to use for all those people, who wanted to develop CSS from sprite images.


A nifty HTML5 application ‘Moqups’ uses for developing wireframes, UI concepts or mockups, prototypes depending on how you like to call them.


It is one of the most useful apps for developing resolution independent SVG mockups and wireframes. The developers of this tool have tried a lot of make things simple as well as moderately intuitive, so you can unleash your creativity without any problem.

Using this tool is extremely easy for all the people, so they can begin with it and make their work easy.

Hire dedicated team for your next web development project.

Online 3D Sketch

Online 3D Sketch is a drawing application, enabling people to save and share replays of their work with friends. It is a high-end software, which is very easy to learn and incredibly fun to use.

Online 3D Sketch

Being a free online drawing tool, it allows you to share step-by-step replays of your work with friends. Users of this tool do not have to sign-up as they can simply start using this tool and get benefits of various features.

Online HTML5

Online HTML5 is a CSS Editor with WYSIWYG editing, Wizards and hand coding tools for Windows and Mac OS X.

Online HTML5

Being a free online tool, this editor’s tool allows people to design HTML pages and even a full website with an interface very close to illustrator. Moreover, this tool comes equipped with a comprehensive range of features that make it easy for you to use this tool while you require it the most.

So, these are the top 12 HTML5 tools that are rich in terms of features, functionalities and performance. Web Designers can make use of these tools and get huge help in their day-to-day work. Moreover, if you are looking to get support from any professional HTML5 developer, you can click here and get in touch with an HTML5 expert.

The post 12 Best HTML5 Tools for Web Designers to Check-Out in 2017 (Updated) appeared first on Perception System.
