Software Archives - Perception System Just another WordPress site Wed, 28 Feb 2024 13:39:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Software Archives - Perception System 32 32 8 Biggest Enterprise Software Development Trends for 2022 Mon, 17 May 2021 04:23:37 +0000 Change is necessary, be it in lifestyle, technology, or software development trends. And undoubtedly you can see the changes in enterprise software development at a rapid pace. With the 2020 pandemic, there has been development in everything be it how we order food or run our business. Software engineering is also developing from its frameworks, […]

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Change is necessary, be it in lifestyle, technology, or software development trends. And undoubtedly you can see the changes in enterprise software development at a rapid pace. With the 2020 pandemic, there has been development in everything be it how we order food or run our business.

Software engineering is also developing from its frameworks, architectures, methodologies, languages, and other components. Year by year there’s improvement in the aspects which makes it grow successfully. Every enterprise is looking for custom web software development to stay ahead of the competition.

Do you know? According to Statista, the IT industry has spent $426 billion on enterprise software in the year 2020, and it is expected to reach $517 billion in 2021.

But before you move ahead with the custom software development solutions, you need to know about the 8 biggest enterprise software development trends.

Enterprise Software Development Trends for 2021

Staying updated with the trends helps you be ahead of your competition in the market. These eight trends are related to IoT, AI, hybrid apps, cybersecurity, 5G internet, etc. Let’s read about them in detail.

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1. The rise of the Intelligence of Things (IoT)

After IoT was first coined to the world in 1999 by Kevin Ashton, it has kept on evolving. Its existence dates back to the 70s. However, the important point is how much it has been involved in today’s lifestyle.

People are opting for smart homes along with smartphones. All this is because of artificial intelligence. It is a key component that is indispensable in daily life and is prevalent everywhere from the automotive industry to agriculture. Expect the shift from the Internet of Things to Intelligence of Things!

Here are just a few examples of IoT’s many use cases:

  • The vehicle also uses IoT. With the IoT-connected vehicle, you can make in-car payments, autonomous driving, enabling remote software updation, and dinner table booking on the way.
  • The 2020 pandemic made us take education online. IoT promotes a safe education process with social distancing which is possible with the help of laptops, smartphones, and tablets.
  • IoT helps in tracking and managing the assets and equipment in real-time, which ultimately improves the efficiency and transparency of the management process.
  • Devices that are connected to the equipment can be utilized for predictive analysis of the equipment.
  • We have many smartwatches and IoT-enabled devices that help in tracking health and warn or send alerts to the doctor in the event of deterioration. The records stored in those devices can be helpful in treating a patient further. Thus, IoT also plays an important role in the remote healthcare industry.

2. Involvement of Artificial Intelligence

As we said above artificial intelligence has made the IoT grow even more effectively. Artificial intelligence is something that can analyze vast data, and make decisions like human-mind whenever necessary and based on its outcomes.

Few of the AI capabilities like machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing can be deployed in the business at any point in time. Most of the business industry opt for AI. What’s the reason? It’s the deployment of advanced and highly tailored solutions across different industries.

Whether your business is in retail, wholesale, logistics, healthcare, or any other industries the acceptance of AI. It enables personalized experience and solutions for the customers, streamlines project management, boosts productivity, and much more.

3. Progressive web applications (PWAs) and Hybrid applications

Till now, you might have either opted for a web app or a mobile app. But what if we say you can have both with added benefits. Seems like a dream, right? That’s what Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are!

PWAs are similar to native apps that can send push notifications even when offline, but it is also linkable (unlike the native apps). It can be used across platforms without the involvement of any app store.

Hybrid application development covers elements and features of both native and web apps with the usage of a particular framework.

4. Critical Cyber Security over Data Breach

With the increase in the number of cyber-attacks and losses that businesses suffered, cybersecurity is something that is in most demand. Robust security measures in your software development will protect you from information leaks, fraud, malware, phishing, ransomware, and other cyber-attacks. Cybersecurity acts as armor for online business.

According to Puppet’s State of DevOps Report, 45% of the organization with full integration of cybersecurity can fix the critical vulnerabilities.

5. Immersive experiences gain popularity

Digital reality is something that we are already aware of and isn’t a brand new concept. However, with the lockdown and scarce of real-world experiences, digital reality gained popularity with the help of AR and VR.

MR – the combination of both AR and VR has made it possible to travel across the world while staying at home. It has also stimulated the training and skill learning via digital platforms, and last but not least is the shopping experience. The immersive experiences have made online shopping easier.

6. low code platforms – an emerging trend

Yes, you heard that right. The introduction of low code platforms is one of the emerging trends in software development. Why is it so? Its main function is low coding so that a developer with the minimum knowledge about coding can crack their own software development.

For example, Parabola is an automation platform designated to automate software development with the drag-and-drop and easy-to-use interface. Amazon Honeycode helps streamline the process of creating apps for simple tasks or event management.

7. 5G is reinventing the network

5G is the newest technology that will help in growth for many industries. It is a technical enabler for IoT and other future tech products. While 4G consumes more resources and shortens battery life, 5G is expected to offer lower latency, greater bandwidth availability, and better data security. With the help of 5G, the developers will be able to develop more powerful apps and that too at a faster speed.

8. Run cost as architecture fitness function

Last but not least is the architecture fitness function. When doing software development includes processes like Agile methodologies and DevOps which leads to changes in cloud infrastructure and services management.

The concept of “run cost as architecture fitness function” is introduced by the Thoughtworks in Technology Radar. It includes continuous monitoring of the cost as a fitness function.

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Hence, if you are planning to get the software developed for your enterprise to manage the services and products. Go with the developer that is aware of these trends and promises to implement them. We would suggest contacting PerceptionSystem – an enterprise software development company that has 10+ years of experience in this field.

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Enterprise Software: How Is It Different from Other Software? Tue, 29 Dec 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Enterprise software is also scalable and can be used for a range of activities, including supply chain management, invoicing, sales and much more. Find out more about enterprise software and what makes it different.

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Enterprise software is also scalable and can be used for a range of activities, including supply chain management, invoicing, sales and much more. Find out more about enterprise software and what makes it different.

Unless you keep right up to date with technological developments, it can be hard to understand all the latest trends and terminology. This is especially true in the fast-paced world of software development services, where it seems each week delivers us another new concept to get our heads around.

One such new term and concept is enterprise application software, known as EAS. You might have heard this term mentioned in conversation or in blogs about software development, but the name alone is not enough to explain what it is and what it does. Nor is it clear how this differs in terms of development from other types of software, with which you might be more familiar.

In general, EAS is developed on a large scale to try and support problems faced by an entire organization. It is a type of software that allows for different user roles, defining actions that these users can and can’t perform.

This might mean that in one company, a salesperson can record client information and sales leads, management staff can track performance and sales targets and customer service teams can track and tackle client issues. And they would all do this using the same EAS platform.

So, in this sense, this is not software that is aimed to help sole traders or small businesses but rather has been designed to overhaul the way that larger organizations operate. EAS is more suited to businesses where several distinct departments, with different roles, operations, and functions, are all working together towards the same goal.

The capabilities of Enterprise Software

So just what is it that enterprise software can do that ordinary business software can’t. The most obvious example is that it is able to display, manipulate, and store large amounts of complex data. It will then support and automate the processes that use this data. The software can be scalable and is generally critical to the mission of the enterprise. There is also the ability to interface with any other software the enterprise might be using in other areas of their work. Enterprise software is also generally comprised of a suite of computer programs, tools, and apps.

Enterprise software is commonly used in a number of key business areas, including order processing, procurement, scheduling, information management, energy management, and accounting.

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How does it differ from Normal Software?

The software that businesses use is divided into two categories. The first is systems software that runs the machines and computers that are used in general operations. The second is application software, which is the software we use on a day to day basis to create documents, spreadsheets, graphics, and various other tools of business.

Application software that is only used for one specific purpose, say a word processor such as Microsoft Word, is not considered an enterprise-level software. Most businesses will rely on a variety of this single-use software to carry out their work. But they are not interlinked and not business-critical.

Enterprise software, on the other hand, works across multiple departments and assists the business in several areas. It is generally customizable to each specific organization, which allows them to pick and choose which aspects of the software are most useful and applicable.

EAS is also typically owned outright, meaning that owners have sole charge of it and it is not being drained by other users. This also allows them to customize more easily, with in-house developers or external support making any necessary changes. It is typically hosted on physical servers and relies on the internet for effective use.

Enterprise software can also come with cloud storage, meaning that you don’t need vast amounts of computing power to store all the information you need. This is beneficial because it means you don’t need to invest in assembling and maintaining servers.

Why use Enterprise Software?

There are many reasons why businesses should use enterprise software. First, it lets you store important data in a usable and convenient way. So, in businesses that have complex order systems or customer queries, you can stay on top of everything over a range of departments.

EAS also automates the customer service process for all employees, meaning you can streamline the customer service process. This saves time and energy across the business and allows you to respond in good time to any customer.

EAS is also scalable, meaning that no matter the size of the business, it can work. It can then grow with you as an organization, meaning there is no future upheaval. It also means that if your IT capabilities are reduced, it can be scaled down without reducing service.

EAS also keeps customer data secure, as most software comes with highly sophisticated security measures. Keeping customer data secure is not just important for your reputation, it is also an essential financial priority as well.

Enterprise software lets you see how the whole business is running in real-time. Waiting months for data is no longer an option for most businesses, so you need to keep up to speed with what’s going on. That means having access to reliable and accurate data about the recent performance of the company.

EAS also lets businesses of all shapes and sizes cut costs. This will free up the budget to be used in other areas. Of course, there are initial costs to pay to the software development service provider, and the setting up process may cause some disruption, but in the long term, it will have an overwhelmingly positive effect on your business. It will standardize the way you work across the organization and make sure that everyone is singing from the same hymn sheet.

Whether it’s invoicing or supply chain management, enterprise software can change the way you do business and have a positive effect on every department. If you realize that customers are long-term assets and that keeping them happy is essential for your future success, then enterprise software is a good option.

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Points to Consider While Developing Enterprise Software Development

Before you move ahead with the custom web software development, here’s are the pointers that you need to consider:

The enterprise software development process is a bit hefty but provides you the best result.


Before you move ahead, define the goals and objectives of the ES. You need to set a performance expectation and add the features that you need immediately.

Security and Robustness

Another key feature to consider while developing the ES. The security breach can be devastating for any company. Hence, always look for the best security service provider. It will make the software robust that will handle everything without letting anything happen to you and your company’s data.


Running an enterprise comes with abundant data to store. The enterprise software application will help you in saving all the data securely and in one place.


This is a must feature whether you are building a website or software. No one knows, when a business can pick up the upward phase. However, when that happens you need scalable software that can adjust to the size of the enterprise.

Customization and flexibility

Personalization helps a platform to connect with the visitor and that is only possible with the customizable and flexible software. Every business sector has different needs and enterprise software should comply with them.

Fast ROI

The enterprise software gives the best return on investment. How? It can improve productivity and generate income. With the software, you will be able to analyze the problems and solve them as quickly as possible. This will ultimately result in quicker income generation.


Now, you know everything related to enterprise software development. However, there’s one mistake that many business owners do, and that is not hiring a custom application developer. Yes, it does make a difference.

Perception System is a custom software development company and consulting firm based in San Jose, USA, focusing on multiple software development services, software maintenance, and testing. Since 2001, we have been carrying digital transformation to mid-sized and sizable enterprises. Contact us now to see how we can help you.

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15 Best Practices to Develop Software Applications for Startups Thu, 12 Mar 2020 07:00:00 +0000 The software development for a startup is an altogether different thing from the established business. The current post is pointing out some useful tips and tricks to make it a success legend for both, client and development team for upcoming 2020 and beyond.

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Developing software for an established business or organization is quite easy or not much bothersome job, but for a startup, it is a bit challenging and different thing. It is because startups have little operating experiences at one hand and high aspirations for a groundbreaking software solution at another end.

The thirst for rapid growth leads startups to investigate innovative and out-of-box software solutions that are resulting in the same patent registrations in the numbers that the big brothers or enterprises do.

These facts regarding the USA startups lead us to infer that startups are equally scrappy to have software solutions for their bespoke needs as their counterparts established businesses are.

If you are a software developer or an agency working on offshore destinations, which are famous for providing outsourcing solutions, some predictions regarding IT skills and job work scopes are encouraging.

For instance, the USA Department of Labour has released an estimation of IT skills demand. According to it, computer and information technology occupations is projected to grow 12 percent from 2018 to 2028, much faster than the average for all occupations. Besides this, Gartner has also estimated that universities and colleges in the USA are able to provide skilled talents to fill up only 30% vacancies.

Thus, the big question is that how to meet the remaining jobs or work demand. In due course, Deloitte has provided a viable solution in its surveys on IT outsourcing by estimating the potential of offshore outsourcing hubs to provide 60% demand of the USA market.

It means outsourcing hubs at offshore places have to face the software development requirements of startups greater than the established organizations. Thus, offshore software development companies need to know how to develop software for the startup businesses to assure high success rate. Here a couple of tips and tricks to do it. and fast growth.

1. Select Appropriate Software Development Framework for Startups

Software development framework determines the speed of the project, quality, and overall cost of the software. For a startup, enterprise-ready framework proves a mature choice, as

  • It provides multiple modules
  • The fast deployment with minimum time
  • It works right out of box

For instance, selection of the Angular JS is a right choice against Expresess.js framework because the latter is a mature and feature-rich platform for specific project development.

Make sure, no matter what framework you choose, but it should be scalable, multi-function, and user-friendly. These three factors will help you in creating a perfect software application for the start-up.

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2. Define Short Iterations with Specified Outcome for Startup Projects

If you scrum two-week sprints with specified end-results in your software development project for startups,

  • It provides project discipline
  • It assists in shaping goals
  • It rules out the possibilities of random development

According to the experienced software development company, going ahead with small iterations is the best option while developing a software application.

3. Avoid Writing of Tests at Early Stage of Startup Software Development Process

You should never consider the writing of tests at the early stage of the software development process. Why? Because…

  • At the early stage of startup software development, technical requirements are often changing as per the study in the market.
  • Startups looking for the shortest timeline
  • The statement of work becomes a dynamic document, as it tends to change as per the market demands, trends, and expectations of the end-users.

4. Select Lighter and Flexible Software Development Framework for Startups

You should always go with a framework that is lighter, easier to understand, and flexible for software development. Especially, when it is for the startup company. Why is it so? A startup has the highest chances of growth.

Your framework should allow changes easily and add features as well as functionality quickly to maintain the refactoring. In due course, heavyweight corporate frameworks, which mostly based on Java and .NET technologies prove a bottleneck. Against it, open-source PHP-based and other technologies-based lightweight frameworks prove the excellent choice.

5. Allocate Time for Refactoring in Software Development Process for Startup

Refactoring – one of the most important phases of software development. Hence. Allocate the time for refactoring to fix the issues and add features quickly. Why do you need this?

Coding errors or coding debt is a norm in startup projects because developers are always under pressure to accomplish tasks rapidly. To overcome technical debt and decrease software entropy while applying changes very often, refactoring with enough time is essential. If the project has not an operational strategy, it hardly fits in development methodology.

6. Select Cloud-based Development Server for Software Development Project for Startups

You might be thinking why are we telling you to opt for the cloud-based development server? Well because there are possibilities of,

  • The server crashes
  • The unavailability of data or real-time data updates
  • The loss of data
  • Server-related other issues when you run a local server with inferior setups and securities

To overcome these all, you must use cloud-based servers or web services for development and deployment and AWS (Amazon Web Services) is the best and affordable choice.

7. Hire the best software development agency for Startup Software Development Projects

We all know the importance of technical knowledge when it comes to development. You don’t want a newbie to ruin or compromise with your software development’s vision. Right? So, to keep the thing on track and straight to the point go for the company having experience in the software development field.

They will cost-effectively manage the server and deployment-related issues described before and end up with high ROI and the success of the project in the long term.

8. Apply Analytical Tools for Startups Software Development Projects

Whether you are running a website or dealing with software development projects, there’s one thing that you need to apply – Analytical tools.

The advantages of the various analytics software in a software development project are immense, so for the startup’s projects, it helps in

  • Tracing and tracking the behavior of end-users
  • Helps in analyzing the process of development
  • Assists in the adjustment of application to meet the requirements of end-users

9. Provide Room for User Feedback on Startups Software Products

You might have run research on the market and target audience requirements at the beginning of a software development project. However, the chances of changes are high because the market is always dynamic so software product requirements are changing rapidly.

Therefore, based on the experiences of experts, we can advise software developers for startups that they should make provision for end-users in the first version of the software to provide actual feedback.

You can offer them a set of features, interface, and other design and interaction elements with options to test in their specific scenario and can provide you feedback. You should extend your reach to listen to them and consult them for more feedback.

Thus, you will able to redesign the next version in more meaningful ways.

10. Constantly Analyze Software for Problems and Learn to Deal with It

Despite too much care, sometimes the software proves inadequate to deal effectively with a real-life scenario. If software owner and its maintenance team is active enough and constantly watching its performance in the market, they can catch the issues upfront and find out a strategy to deal with it through some temporary changes or change the application process of the software in real life.

11. Dealing with Technology Constraints

With the pace of time technologies changes and startups have to adopt the most trendy technologies and tools in the form of software to thrive in the fiercely competitive market. At present, mobiles are in trends, and even web has to be mobile-friendly.

Similarly, loT, LBS, AR, and AI like innovative technologies are gaining ground in mainstream rapidly and adopting those proves a costly affair for startups if they want to bank on such innovative technologies.

Therefore, the smart software developers find easy and affordable solutions for them or design software with room to apply it in the later stages when startup matures and can afford it.

12. Dealing with Human Resources Constraints

Many software operations and maintenance demand involvement of trained and tech-savvy staff. The present market is experiences of such human resources to deal with it. In due course, today we have AI, and machine learning technologies to aid the startups stunningly and software development team for startups should know and implement it.

For instance, for an ecommerce store, providing the live chat service round-the-clock is a daunting and demanding job. However, integration of AI-powered tools like Chatbot may prove a blessing for a startup against hiring costly human attendants.

13. Dealing with Security & Compliance Constraints

With the proliferated digitalization and penetration of the web through mobiles has posed unimagined threats to the software connected to the web or operating through a mobile network.

Therefore, attending safety and security-related threats and issues become vital for startup software development. It becomes intense more when monetary transactions involved in the app functionality and payment gateways have integrated.

Software development companies for startups must learn the security compliance prevailing on the international level as standards and should implement it. Encryption like SSL technologies must implement in appropriate software to establish trust among the end-users. Assure startups and their end-users regarding the security of info and sensitive data while integrating external services.

14. Dealing with Scaling Constraints

The success rate of startups in the USA is noteworthy. Therefore, startups grow rapidly, and their software needs changing with the pace of time. Thus, it is mandatory to accommodate software design and code to deal with the scale-up process in the near or distant future.

Moreover, some startups have seasonal businesses and their websites, mobile apps, and internal software system experiences magnitude of traffic or interaction spikes and lows. You must consider the scalability while developing software for them.

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15. Dealing with Cloud Constraints

Today cloud computing is a buzz on the market, and every startup is thinking of leveraging its advantages. However, there are limitations to adopt cloud services in a broad term.

For the software development niche, the cloud is still a new thing, and it is hard to find an expert cloud architect at an affordable rate. Therefore, over dependencies on the cloud and its offerings may prove impractical as well as costly affair for startups with limited budget and resources.

If startups need cloud services, defining server, storage, and data handling policies for them prove a big challenge for the software developer to manage the constraints.


At the end of 15 tips on developing a software application for startups, we would like to say only one thing – Always consider quality, rather than quantity. We hope this article helped you in getting the right direction. Also, go with the Perception System. It is a custom software development company providing fruitful and efficient solutions to all your problems.

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Do your Business Require Custom Software? Know how Tue, 18 Feb 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Nowadays, using custom software has become an essential factor for most of the business organisations and corporations. Custom software helps a business structure run successfully and efficiently.

The post Do your Business Require Custom Software? Know how appeared first on Perception System.


It is sometimes used to full fill the client’s needs. In other words, custom software has the capability to run the day to day work accurately. Apart from this, various other advantages can be found below.

Advantages of using custom software development

Coordinating business structure – A customized web application will assist a business or a corporate house to coordinate various processes. This process, helps the management department interact with various other departments of a company.

On the other hand, the management sometimes uses this software to keep track of the various departments and their work and requirements. Maintaining this track record helps a company deliver quality service within a specific time period. Some of these customized software solutions are later developed into mobile applications for in-house work.

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Easy updating option

The user can update or change the content of the customized software as per their requirements. It also sometimes helps make necessary changes to the website as well. On the other hand, the firm can know about the latest trends in the industry by using this software.

Hence, they can improve their output level and thus be able to satisfy their target customers. As a result, the company is able to retain its customers and can even turn their existing visitors into potential customers.

Easily understood by employees

The customized applications that are solely used in-house are developed by understanding the level of the employees. So that the employees don’t face any difficulty while using it. At the same time, such an application actually helps enhance the output level of the employees as well.

Since many employees might not initially understand the application, many companies organize training sessions for the employee’s benefit.

License is not required

As the software has been developed to serve the company’s purpose, the business doesn’t require any license to use it. The license for the software lies with the company and they decide what to do with it.

However, in most cases, a license is usually not required because the software will be used in the house.

Easy to develop

Customized applications are easy to develop as the software needs to have only the features that the user needs for his business. The developer who develops the application is part of the company.

They are well acquainted with the business structure of the company and the capability of the associated employees. Hence, they will be able to create software accordingly that will serve the purpose.

The Mobile application developer discusses the requirements with the user and also the features that should be there. According to these requirements, the developer proceeds with the work. It is a complex process that requires considering a lot of factors, so if you are planning to have custom software made for your company, you may want to hire a professional vendor to do the job.

The developer you hire should have skilled knowledge and years of experience in this field. On the other hand, you need to decide as to which platform you would choose to develop the software. Then discuss it with your chosen developer. If you are confused about choosing an appropriate platform, consult with your developer as they will know it better.

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Author bio: Jerry Ahern, an expert on software development services and has knowledge of mobile software development programs. He writes numerous blogs and articles based on this subject. In this article, he speaks about the importance of custom software development for maintaining the proper business structure of a company.

The post Do your Business Require Custom Software? Know how appeared first on Perception System.

Software Technology Advancements in the Healthcare Industry Fri, 25 Oct 2019 05:54:48 +0000 When you think about the healthcare system in the US, you don’t necessarily spare much time for thinking about the software that’s behind it. But without this software, the whole network of healthcare providers simply wouldn’t function. The way that data is stored, processed and accessed, allows the healthcare network to operate, ensuring everything from […]

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When you think about the healthcare system in the US, you don’t necessarily spare much time for thinking about the software that’s behind it. But without this software, the whole network of healthcare providers simply wouldn’t function. The way that data is stored, processed and accessed, allows the healthcare network to operate, ensuring everything from small local clinics to large hospitals run smoothly.

However, making sure that this remains the case involves keeping up to date with the latest different types of medical software. In order to ensure that the hospital or clinic is working in the best interests of the patients who use it, administrators need to make sure internal processes are using the best possible software. These decisions can have a big impact on the way that healthcare is offered across the UK.

Choosing the right electronic medical records software to use for your institution is perhaps the single biggest decision you can make, so it’s important that you get it right. But with much of the software available appearing to be very similar in nature, this is not always a clear-cut decision.

First, it’s worth taking a closer look at exactly what health technology is and what it can offer your organisation.

What is Health Technology?

Health information technology, also known as HIT, is an application in true technological sense thriving in the health industry. It refers to the electronic systems that are used to store, share and access any relevant information. With so many patients and staff to deal with, there is a need for comprehensive management of this data.

The way the data is shared between the practitioners, patients and other relevant bodies is also a key consideration. HIT has been shown to have a significantly more positive effect on the quality and effectiveness of healthcare. It promotes public health in a general sense while ensuring that diagnoses are more accurate. It also helps keep costs down and reduce the frequency of errors.

Apart from improving the quality of care and keeping costs down, HIT can also help to reduce the amount of time you spend dealing with data processing. Reducing the daily admin workload by automating tasks such as prescriptions, information sharing and paperwork can free up time that could be better spent elsewhere in the practice.

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The Different Categories of HIT

The two main types of HIT are medical practice management and EHR/EMR. Let’s take a look at each in more detail.

Medical Practice Management

The medical practice management software helps you with every aspect of clinical practice management. It centralises the way you operate, allowing you to do things in a more efficient way. This means it is more suited to clerical work, managing practice workflows but not the actual patient data.

The main users of this kind of software will be the practice admin staff, such as front desk workers and those in other admin roles. It can help to generate reports or handle other admin tasks such as paying bills.


Electronic health records, known as EHR, and electronic medical records software, known as EMR, deal with the storage of patients’ medical details and data. In the past this all had to be done by hand, which was both time- and space-consuming and led to inevitable filing errors and mix ups.

New software means there is no need to fill anything out by hand. This eliminates the time-consuming manual work and means information can be shared rather than simply stored in one place. Different facilities can share and update patient records. This means that care can be more consistent and less time is spent trying to get up to speed or locating physical records, which may have been damaged or misplaced.

While there are some differences between EHR and EMR, they essentially perform the same function. Advice is also readily available about which might be more suitable for you.

Key features

There are several other key software features that have become standard for medical establishments. One is the patient portal, where users can access and view their own information. They can check medical records, see appointment times and even schedule appointments. This can be done from the comfort of their own home rather than having to call the already busy surgery.

Patient scheduling allows patients to make appointments with the right healthcare professional, matching up with the relevant time and clinic. There are also potential benefits for billing and payments, as well as handling insurance.

Professionals can also use certain software for e-prescriptions, allowing these to be filed and sent with just a few clicks of the mouse. The system allows for remote patient monitoring, which can help reduce costs, especially when related to patients with chronic conditions needing constant care. It can help to monitor conditions such as blood pressure, with data being used to prevent any serious incidents.

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These developments in technology have been quietly revolutionising the way that healthcare establishments operate. By offering a better standard of care for less, and with constraints on time, it makes sense to make the change.

Need help with implementing new hospital software types or healthcare software applications? Get in touch with us for all your Software development requirements.

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Code Quality And Its Importance For A Successful Software Development Mon, 09 Sep 2019 03:06:49 +0000 Improving code quality comes with a series of major advantages. Find out more about code quality and how this could have huge benefits for your project.

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Software is more or less defined by the quality of its code. This affects the safety, security, and reliability of your codebase and therefore the operations of the software itself. That is why high code quality is so important for most development teams, especially those working in safety-critical systems.

The Importance Of Code Quality

Within the software industry, there are certain coding standards that are needed for the successful implementation of any program. That’s because, in order to encourage growth, most organizations need software that works seamlessly. They can’t afford to be spending time looking for and fixing issues with software code.

However, ensuring the code quality is high and it remains that way is not an easy task. In fact, it requires almost constant monitoring and updating to ensure that code quality standards are upheld at every junction.

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What Are The Coding Standards?

Coding standards are the procedures define a particular programming language. They help to specify the style, methods, and procedures. These can be for various aspects of the program or those written in that language. These standards form an essential part of any software program.

They help to ensure that developers are all working on the project in a certain way and following guidelines that help them to stick to a clear plan. These standards, therefore, ensure consistency across coding projects. The aim of any coding project is to make sure that when it’s finished it looks like it’s been completed by one single coder or developer.

The Main Reasons For Coding Standards

It’s not just for simple consistency reasons that coding standards are implemented, however, If standards are not upheld, then there can be long- and short-term consequences. Here we will take a look at some of the main areas of concern.

Security Issues

If standards are not ensured, then code may be susceptible to attack from outside sources, or errors may occur due to a lack of coding quality.


Poor coding can have an adverse effect on the quality of the software product. This means that users will have a negative experience, and security and operational faults will be easy to see.

How We Define Code Quality

Good code quality is defined as a code that is clean and does what it has been designed to do. It should follow a consistent style and be easy to understand. It needs to be well documented and equally well tested. However, testing is not always enough by itself.

Because programmers are human, mistakes happen. That’s why manual testing is not always foolproof. In fact, coders are less than 50% efficient at finding bugs in their own code. So, no matter how well the code has been checked and tested, there may still be errors. This exposes the software to risk. That is why code quality testing is everybody’s responsibility.

Measuring Code Quality

There are five key factors used to measure code quality. The first is reliability. This measures the probability that your new system will run without failure over a specific period of operating time. You can use various analysis tools to qualify how many errors have been encountered.

Maintainability measures how easily the software can be maintained, relating to the size, consistency, and structure of the code being used. While there is no single metric to determine maintainability, there is a system of different warnings you can put in place.

Testability refers to the ease with which the software supports testing. The size and complexity of the software will affect this rating but it can be improved with further work.

The portability measures how well the software performs in different environments. Again, there are no specific code quality metrics but there are several key ways by which you can ensure your code is portable.

Lastly, the reusability of the code is also a factor and can be measured by a number of interdependencies.

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How to Improve Code Quality

There are a number of key ways that you can improve the code quality. One is to use a coding standard that ensures consistency. You should also be careful to analyze and test code thoroughly before finishing your project. It is also necessary to follow coding best practice and take advantage of automated tools.

Improving code quality comes with a series of major advantages. Making sure that the code quality is good can enhance the efficiency of your project and reduce the risk of failure for your project. A good-quality code is also a simple one, meaning that the complexity levels are reduced and it’s easy to maintain. Overall, this all adds up to more successful and cost-efficient software and projects.

If you would like to know more about code quality or get some valuable help with your own projects to reduce cost and error possibilities, get in touch with a member of our team here at Perception System. Being a leading software development company, we can help you implement coding standards to make sure all your developers are working in sync.

We can also carry out testing and measuring to ensure that any work so far is free from bugs and set to work in the most efficient way possible. So, for better projects that work with a higher standard of code, we look forward to hearing from you.

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Java Vs. Python – Which Programming Language is More Productive? Thu, 14 Feb 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Recently, Python emerged as a more advanced programming language than Java and initiated a debate Java vs. Python among developer communities. Let’s see which choice is better for productivity metrics in this blog.

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Once upon a time, software developers were dwelling in C-class programming languages and environment. After a few years, Java emerged on the horizon as a better choice with some unique advantages. For instance,

  • Java is a compiled language
  • To run Java code on any computing machine/device, you have to install Java Virtual Machine first.
  • Java has better OOP support, compact, and comprehensive coding patterns.
  • Java has powerful libraries, which enable developers to go beyond desktops, web, and even mobile application development.

Recently, a new powerful and advantageous programming language came on the surface, and it is Python.

  • Unlike Java, the Python has interpreted language.
  • Therefore, Python doesn’t need any virtual machine to run the code.
  • Instead, Python code directly interpreted by the machines and convert into byte code that machines can follow/understand.

These are some basic differences between Java and Python. If you are in a dilemma to make a selection between these two superstar programming languages, we will help you to get correct insights by giving the advanced difference. Let’s go ahead.

Which One Is Trendy? Java or Python?

Java Trends

Java is passing its mid-life and getting older to fade off from the trends gradually in the programming market. However, the popularity of Java in enterprises and mobile application development is immense.

  • Among the static types of programming scripting, Java is still a king.
  • Java is a well-defined language so you can’t write code without defining a class first.
  • Being an awesome OOP language, mentors who prepare developers are prescribed to learn Java first. Thus, a developer can get accustomed to the latest coding styles, patterns, and best practices.
  • Java is multithreaded language and runs on 8 core CPU
  • Due to stiff competitions in the market, genuine Java developers are making it compact in code, faster the coding before ever, and bring more flexibility from previous versions.
  • Thanks to powerful JVM, cross-compatibility across the platforms and devices are incompatible & unbeatable in the market.
  • Therefore, 90% of the Fortune 500 companies or enterprises are preferring Java.
  • Google has selected Java for its Android platform right from the beginning due to its immense benefits in technical as well as general senses.

Python Trends

Today, Python is getting amazing growth and popularity in developed and affluent countries where people are open and afford upcoming technologies such as AI, IoT, Machine Learning, and Big Data-based application development as well as implementations in innovative startups.

  • Python is highly useful in desktop applications, web application, network servers, and media tools.
  • Python is great to improve the productivity of developers, bring flexibility in language, have the support of excellent libraries, and easy to learn, particularly who knows at least one OOP scripting like Java.
  • Python is single threaded due to its Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) and runs on a single CPU core at the moment.
  • Python is favorite among new generation developers, and demands of Python developers is higher than Java. Therefore, Python developers earn a higher salary than Java developers.
  • Python coding requires fewer code lines to express the same thing by Java. It saves a lot of time in coding and inspection of code when any bug or anomalies happen.

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Python Is a Literate Programming Language

In early days, a programming language was solely used for application development, but today, it has a variety of applications other than development. It means non-programmers are also jumped on the code without programming skills.

Java has concise syntax and developer friendly to create software applications. However, Python is differing in this front. It is simple as the English language and easy to code with a smooth learning curve.

Another significant aspect of Python is capable of building good coding techniques for a robust range of applications/usages. Therefore, Python is becoming a popular programming language in technical schools and universities. The student never feels that they are doing special things like programming. Instead, they approach it as writing an essay.

In literate programming techniques, code, explanatory prose, images, graphs, and other presentation material belong to single documents and code remains executable with the environment. Python supports literate programming environment using Leo and Jupiter Notebook like IDEs.

Therefore, Python, being a literate programming language excels in various areas such as presentation, demonstrations, teaching, collaboration, and research.

Comparison of Performance Aspects of Python and Java

When we technically say that Java is using a virtual machine (JVM) to execute the code on any machine, we know it always will remain fast in performance. Interpreted programming always slow in performance. Therefore, Python remains slower compared to Java.

Unfortunately, it always not true. By rule, the performance of languages relies on the environment. Another issues need considerations are types and power of libraries, coding styles, and paradigm applied.

Python supports multiple paradigms such as functional, OOP, and mix of it. Whereas, Java only one and it is OOP. However, if you have developed an application in Python but when you are going to scale it, you have to come to Java. Thus, performance becomes a complex metric in a sense, and straightforward comparison with Java is a nightmare.

Market Share and Community Support Comparison – Java vs. Python

When we think of market share of a language, reliable market surveys are handy tools to know. According to such surveys carried before two years and in the current year, we have observed that Java remains on the top while Python in 2017 stood fifth, but in 2019, it is next to Java.

Surveyors have considered the popularity of a language based on its demand by the recruiters in terms of the number of job postings in a period. Thus, we can say differences are thin between Java and Python.

Another metric for comparison is the developer community. The more numbers of the community for a language than other indicates how developers have adopted it and what much strong support you can avail from the community.

Undoubtedly, Java has a larger developer community than Python in terms of user groups. Those groups are available on various technical forums and platforms. They also are capable of extending helping hands to another developer whether free of charges or with a reasonable fee.

One more fact needs to unveil here when we compare the popularity of a programming script. Some programming niches are more suitable for a particular language than others.

Multilingual FTW for Java & Python

Today, full stack development is a buzzword in the market. It means full stack developers have working capacities on various languages, platforms, and frameworks. Thus, a team of developers may prefer a particular language when they find suitable for particular projects and their goals.

For instance, Python is the best bet for data scientists, AI experts, and machine learning application development. Java may prove excellent when dynamic/server-side, embedded and cross-platform application development is necessities.

Who Is Excel in Both, Java Python?

My years of experiences as a full stack developer and enterprise application development nerd in the USA, I will recommend your Perception System. It has a big pool of experienced developers enjoying a good position for more than 17 years in the same company and keeping growth rate steady to increasing!

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If you want to check their coding understanding to compare the programming parameters, you must refer their “Java vs. Python – Which Programming Language is More Productive?” Infographics on the same. Many companies are struggling to accumulate Python talents and retain Java talents today. Fortunately, you will have enough CVs to explore when you are going to “Hire Dedicated Developer” through our comprehensive and flexible hiring models. Let’s talk about your Java or Python project requirements and get a free quote here.

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5 Essential Software Development Metrics Every Agile Leader Needs Mon, 26 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Perception System, California favors high standards in agile software development methodologies, and it only comes through constant monitoring using right metrics. Let’s learn those essential metrics.

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The evolution of Agile Development method has become popular among small to mid-size software development company. If you have a target to achieve gradual improvements in your agile software development, the following are crucial metrics, which can help you a lot. The following five Agile Software Development metrics are aligned the most with standard Agile Manifesto.

5 Essential Software Development Metrics Every Agile Leader Needs1212 scaled


If you are interested to know the details of essential software development metrics, please come in touch to the Agile Development Team at Perception System, San Jose, CA, USA.

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Benefits of Agile Software Development You Should Know Tue, 16 Oct 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Agile software development is a method used for developing all sorts of software solutions, based on continuous improvement, flexibility, an input of the team, and high quality working software delivery. In this post, I would like to mention what are the main benefits you get by doing agile development.

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The infographic below will help you understand the benefits of agile software development.

Benefits of Agile Software Development scaled

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NEW WAYS TO FINANCE YOUR SALON Thu, 12 Jul 2018 00:00:00 +0000 During the first few years of running a salon, you need to generate a positive cash flow while facing high overhead costs and an inconsistent revenue stream. This is not an easy task! Financing the ebb and flow of a salon traditionally required taking out bank loans. That is assuming that the bank approved your […]

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During the first few years of running a salon, you need to generate a positive cash flow while facing high overhead costs and an inconsistent revenue stream. This is not an easy task!

Financing the ebb and flow of a salon traditionally required taking out bank loans. That is assuming that the bank approved your loan for an infusion of liquidity to keep your salon moving forward.

These days obtaining money from traditional lending sources, such as banks, is becoming increasingly difficult. Thus many salon owners, like you, are searching for alternative methods to finance their salon operations.

Here are the major overhead costs for operating a salon:

  • Payroll
  • Equipment
  • Inventory
  • Real Estate

Unfortunately, many banks consider beauty salons to be high-risk investments. Similar to a restaurant, a beauty salon is highly vulnerable to the state of the economy.

Decreases in consumer purchasing power lead to fewer visits to salons for not only nail and facial services, but also basic services such as haircuts. Salons typically require several years to build up a loyal base of customers. If a salon cannot receive approval for one of the best loans for beauty salons, how does a salon weather the inevitable financial storm?

The answer lies in seeking funding from alternative sources.

The Best New Ways to Finance Your Salon in 2018

From purchasing new equipment to making payroll during the slower months of the year, raising capital for operating a salon requires outside the box financial thinking.

Alternative Online Loans

Over the past decade, the online lending industry has grown enough to compete with traditional brick and mortar lenders. Online lender Kabbage approves loan amounts between $2,000 and $250,000, which offers your salon the liquidity it needs to pay taxes or expand the size of the building where you conduct business.

Repayment terms run between six and 12 months, with no origination or account maintenance fees. Funding takes up to two days, which makes the online lender ideal for salons that require emergency cash.

Fundbox operates a different type of online lender model. The user-friendly system, which you can run on a mobile phone app, processes cash advances that your salon pays back by transferring unpaid customer invoices.

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Connected to your accounting software and business checking account, the automated system used by Fundbox increases the productivity of your salon. You spend less time crunching numbers and more time developing a regular customer base.

Merchant Cash Advance

When you need money to pay for unexpected expenses, a merchant cash advance provides the capital you need to keep the business door open.

Merchant cash advances work best for small businesses that generate most of its revenue from debit and credit card sales. Retail businesses like salons can go hours per day without ringing up a cash sale.

Merchant cash advance providers approve access to money in return for a percentage of future sales or weekly withdrawals from the salon bank account.

Rollover for Business Startup

You are aware that taking money out of a retirement account such as a 401K generates substantial penalties and tax charges. However, a rollover for business startup (ROBS) represents a creative option to tap into a 401K for a cash infusion to improve the financial health of your salon.

You do not have to pay an early withdrawal penalty or any taxes on the money withdrawn. Setting up a ROBS typically requires the expertise of a certified financial planner that specializes in helping small business owners acquire more liquidity.

Accounts Receivable Financing

For a salon, cash flow gaps occur for several reasons. Sales decline after holidays such as Christmas and Valentine’s Day. Summer can usher in a period of slow sales as well. If your salon experiences a deficit caused by declining sales and an increase in expenses, accounts receivable financing might be the alternative way to finance your salon in 2018.

Lenders analyze your salon’s financial metrics not only to decide whether to approve accounts receivable financing, but also to determine how much money to approve. kabbage is an excellent account receivable financing option for salon owners.

Does Invoice Financing Work for Salons?

Your salon has a short window between approving a credit card and receiving the cash derived from the credit card sale. Does this mean invoice financing is not for salon owners?

Also referred to as factoring, invoice financing involves lenders approving cash advances up to 80% of your outstanding invoices. Many salon owners have company accounts, which send several customers to the salon from the same company.

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Payment for the entire account occurs during an established billing cycle, which usually lasts 30 days. If you have numerous company accounts and you have to wait up to a month to receive payment for the accounts, then invoice financing is a viable option to finance your salon in 2018.

So, what is the next thing for you should do after having a beauty salon registered under your name. Well, the best thing you can to do is to get a salon website designed or a salon mobile application developed by the Online Salon Design Development Team. This for sure will get you close with your customers, get new clients, over all the better and bigger saloon business.

The post NEW WAYS TO FINANCE YOUR SALON appeared first on Perception System.
