Startup Archives - Perception System Just another WordPress site Tue, 27 Feb 2024 13:33:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Startup Archives - Perception System 32 32 How to handle challenges faced by start-ups when developing mobile apps Tue, 13 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0000 As a start-up, a successful app is a great way to make a name for yourself quickly. But it is not quite as easy as all that. There are a number of obstacles that stand in the way of your success.

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An Overcrowded Market

If you’ve ever been to an online app store then you’ll know that there is not just an app for everything, there are at least two or three. All of these apps are jockeying for position, desperately trying to be the one that breaks out and makes it big. So, one of the biggest challenges for any start up is to stand out.

Even if you create a great app that offers something a little different, getting the attention of the people that matter or distinguishing yourself from the thousands of other apps all making big promises is easier said than done.

The best way to try and stand out is to try and think about the needs of the end user. Apps that serve a genuine purpose or that offer to solve problems are generally more successful. To connect with the right people, you first need to identify who they are and then work out what language they best understand. Making your product appeal to those who might want it is half the battle.

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Funding and Money Matters

Developing a usable app can cost anything from £1,500 to £150,000, with even more costs associated with marketing and branding. All of which means that start-ups can often find it prohibitively expensive to develop the app they have been planning. As we mentioned above, competition is rife in the world of apps, which means competition for the necessary funding is just as fierce.

You can appeal for direct finding from partners or go down the crowdfunding route. However you choose to do it, you need to realise that without the required funding in place, you might well come up short. And that means all of your hard work could be in vain. It’s also worth remembering that these things almost always cost more than you imagine.

Device Compatibility

The world of apps operates across a range of devices, each with a different set of rules and programming requirements. Your new app will have to work on smartphones as well as it does on tablets. It will need to work on Windows, Mac OS, Android and more. That’s because the more limited it is in its scope, the less chance of success you will have.

That means that you need to focus on responsive design, allowing your app to adjust to whatever platform it is being viewed on. You also need to make sure that your device is thoroughly tested and reaches the market in its best possible form. This will flag up any issues before your app hits the market.


When designing your app, it is sometimes difficult to see the wood for the trees. You become so involved in it that it is hard to step back and see it objectively. This all too commonly results in navigability issues. Because you are so familiar with your app and how it works, you might not realise that it is difficult to use and that working out how to get to where you want to be is not easy or intuitive for first time users.

So, you need to focus on making your app as clear and easy to use as possible. Include a tutorial to help users get to grips with how it works. And add features that improve the usability of the app, even if that means sacrificing some of the aesthetic quality. Look around at other apps, use them and try and get a feel for what makes an app easy to use and what can be confusing.

Application Marketing, Branding, and Promotion

As a start-up, it’s unlikely that you’re going to have a huge budget for marketing or branding, so you need to be clever. Other larger companies out there will have the resources to brand and market their apps, and you will often be directly competing against them. You can’t afford to get swallowed up and lost in the already overflowing marketplace. So think about how to make your content stand out.

You will need to have a marketing strategy in place before you start. It’s not always enough to just rely on the quality of what you produce. If required, get some professional help on marketing or at the very least try and speak to people who have previously successfully marketed their products.

App Performance and Battery Life

Once you have done all the hard work creating and designing your app, working through a very crowded marketplace and got your app into the hands of the consumer, the last thing you need is for it to be full of bugs or eat up so much battery that people don’t want to use it.

The challenge is to come up with apps that perform at every level, which includes consuming little battery and running without crashing. You need to be aware that although your app needs to look good, too many visual effects and fancy animation can eat up a lot of battery. And this can be a source of great frustration for the end user.

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In Conclusion

Start-ups face a lot of challenges when creating mobile apps. And with a limited budget, small staff and little experience, it is going to be very difficult to meet and overcome them all. However, that’s when doing your research really pays off. Set off on your project without having fully thought it through and you’ll meet obstacle after obstacle.

Get a strategy in place and manage the project well and you will be prepared to hurdle every roadblock along the way. Check out the competition, figure out what is going to help you stand out, and plan a marketing and branding strategy that fits your budget and there is no reason you can’t be the next big thing in the world of apps.

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Why React Native The Right Platform For Your Startup Mobile App? Wed, 24 Oct 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Mobile app development community is more inclined to React Native framework compared to other JS framework today. It spurts a question in mind that why mobile app developers are now favoring React Native for startups app development. Let ’s find a legitimate answer of it in the current post.

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An Unending Debate

We all, since a half decade, have learned the pros & cons of the cross-platform/hybrid app development process and native platform process. Repeating the same seems silly here.

Albeit, React Native is an excellent choice among all present cross-platform mobile app development technologies where compromise with quality remains almost nil and trio of quality with time-to-market, and reduced cost maintained superbly. 

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A Little Bit about React Native

JavaScript is signifying its presence in mobile app development niche since the inception of hybrid app development technologies and frameworks like Titanium and PhoneGap. Impressive upping of JavaScript libraries have led us from hybrid to cross-platform frameworks with new highs in bringing native-like experiences on the table.

The journey started from Angular JS in Ionic and today every mobile app developer opts to learn React Native framework for cross-platform app development. Thanks to Facebook, which has a carved footprint of the framework on mobile application landscape. Of course, the community of talented developers has fostered it in the open source arena.

Apart from Facebook, Instagram, Walmart, Airbnb, and UberEats like giants and other more than 1,000 mobile apps have used React Native framework for their innovative app concept and functional app development.

Amazingly, the majority of apps are from startups and validating the fact that startups are showing great adaptability besides enterprises. It demands deep thinking about why startups love React Native out of a big pool of the latest JavaScript frameworks and their powerful libraries.

Valid Reasons for that Startups Should Use React Native

If I am going to list the reasons in favor of React Native, the list may be a big one, but here, I am going to cite a few significant only.

Code Once and Cover Major Mobile OS Platforms

Initially, Facebook has iOS platform in mind to gather React Native development team to work on an innovative framework concept. After seeing great success in the iOS app, Facebook has instructed the same React Native developers to extend their JS libraries to support the Android platform.

It means the same libraries are rendering mobile UIs for iOS and Android both with a single code base. Moreover, the same team also is working to give the framework compatibility for Windows and tvOS. In sum, single codebase saves time and resources of app developers without any compromise on app quality and cross-platform support.

Advanced yet Easy Code

Have you ever dive into Java/Kotlin and Objective-C/Swift for native app programming? Daunting indeed. Against those complicated programming technologies, JavaScript is damn easy to go for a novice to seasoned mobile app developers.

Moreover, React Native has improved code that has characteristics of low coding. Code lines are a few in numbers and shortened in length. It immediately cuts the time for testing and overall time-to-market.

Reusable Native Components

Previously, cross-platform developers were relying on WebView components to supplement the functionality of native components in hybrid app development. Fortunately, in React Native, counterparts of native iOS & Android components are existing.

Those also are available as reusable components that can supplement all expected functionality for native-like mobile experiences. For instance, look-n-feel, speed, and other essential functionality of a native mobile app.

No Rewriting for Existing Apps

If an existing app made & running on any native or cross-platform framework, and you think to switch to Native React framework, it might not be a tough overhaul. It is because Native React library supports the incorporation of Native React components directly into the existing code with a nice plugin and save from the rewrite of the code from scratch.

Hardware Compatibility with 3rd Party Plugin

For hybrid or cross-platform apps, hardware support from the devices running on different mobile platforms like iOS and Android is a big issue. It is because hybrid apps are browser/WebView-based where performance is a hindrance.

With React Native, your app does not solely rely on WebView for certain native functions. Native React supports 3rd party plugins using a native module. Thus, the app can access in-built hardware elements of mobile devices such as GPS, Maps, Bluetooth, touch gestures easily. It solves performance and user experience like issues forever.

UI Focused

Unlike Angular JS and Meteor JS JavaScript frameworks, React Native used to focusing on building mobile UI. Therefore, it seems more JavaScript library than a JS framework. It helps in building highly responsive and flexible/fluid mobile UI with seamless interaction thanks to asynchronous JavaScript working in the pure native environment. Thus, you can get high performance and quality cheaply.

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We can say that React Native is capable of giving mobile app developers to gain an edge over the competition. It can help developers to attend much-needed trio-quality, timeline, and costs easily. If you are looking for the same trio for your next mobile app development project, Perception System is a known entity in React Native app development community in San Jose, California, USA.

A rich portfolio of React Native designers and developers at Perception System has astounding apps for the leading brands of the world using the React Native framework. Would you like to explore the portfolio and learn how we can help you with the same?

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Top 10 small business startup ideas for Techie Entrepreneurs with less investment Wed, 01 Nov 2017 00:00:00 +0000 You will find plenty of business ideas if keen to start your own. If you are creative and have talents, ideas, opportunities are waiting for you. And the best part of these ideas are less investment and more profit.

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Yes, you heard right, you can start a business of your interest with least investment to earn more profit. So, let’s have a look at Top 10 small business ideas for Techie Entrepreneurs with less investment.

1. Food ordering mobile app

One of the most remarkable advancements in the food industry is the introduction of mobile apps. Food ordering app has made the life quite easy for customers and profitable for the restaurants. Earlier practice was to keep the menu card has become old-fashioned now. So, if you are looking for new business ideas, then developing such app will surely be profitable for you.

business startup ideas

For this, you just have to contact few restaurants initially and brief them the idea actually you are working for and how the same can be profitable for them. Once you convinced them that the app will help them connect directly even with the remote customer, they will surely become your client.

The app should have restaurants list, Automatic or manual confirmation or rejection of bookings, Email notifications, automatically block bookings when the restaurants are closed, customized to manage bookings, Dynamic booking form to any page, post or widget area, Add and edit bookings – directly from the admin panel and so on.Feedback providing section is a must for this application as people would like to see the review prior to check in.

2. Online e-commerce store development

This is another interesting small business idea which is tried and tested with low investment. E-commerce platforms are the bestselling businesses nowadays as people like to shop from the comfort of the home due to time constraint. To start this business, you just have to look around the vicinity and find out the things which are actually required. The only thing you need to keep in mind is that the idea should be fresh.

The success of an e-commerce platform largely depends on the promising seller and the product quality. Prior to starting the same, you have to decide on the products you want to be displayed and sold them. If you decide to cater specific industry, then the properties have to get developed accordingly.

While developing the e-commerce site, keeping in mind the features such as

  • User-friendly portal
  • Real-time payment processing
  • Shopping Cart (Hosted)
  • Authentication services, secure solutions
  • Web-based reporting System
  • Easy to manage store
  • Merchants accounts
  • Recurring Billing

Payment gateway Integration and so on is immense importance. So, come up with a unique idea and you do not have to wait long for investors as well as the customers.

3. Job recruitment app development

Whether you think of India or abroad as the client base, the job portal is in demand everywhere. Ever since globalization, the job aspirants continuously looking for new and better opportunities. So, developing Job recruitment app can be fruitful for them and ultimately for you.

Job application app should have features like registrations forms, free Resume posting and editing, search and apply, uploading or attaching Image in the resume job seeker management, employer management, category management and so on.

The best part is you just need a system with internet and few formats required to develop such sites. Being technical, this can prove best for your career. Just try this with low investment along with less risk.

The recruitment site can be offered to employers with an annual subscription and some premium services to the job seekers. This is the best way to earn a profit. For this, you need to add a key of subscription and payment option.

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4. Education Application Development

Now there is a difference between learning and smart learning. Simple learning can be forgotten easily but the things we experience visually is hard to forget. And here comes the importance of E-learning. Yes, this can be your future. Start developing the Education Application Development as numerous companies and institutions are in search of better learning apps.

E-learning app should have diverse training modules in form of audio-visual sessions, self-paced programs, system based training, web-based training, and so on. Integrating all these at one platform is critical but if developed strategically can prove best.

The features you need to cover while developing this application are the virtual classrooms, online exams, audio-visual streaming, online courses, interactive presentations, multimedia features, real-time communication, social integration, etc. So, if you have interest in education, this app will be the best idea for the startup.

5. Healthcare App Development

Undoubtedly, the mobile based applications are handy and best in providing quick assistance in the need of hour. Along with all another mobile app, Healthcare App is of immense importance in terms of life-saving.

In time, when you require knowing the nearest doctor available or hospital or blood bank or pharmacy, this app will be of great use. So, why don’t think to develop such unique app.
isn’t it a great small business idea? Yes, it is.

Continuing with this idea, you would require to visit the doctors, hospitals, pharmacy and also have to meet some patients to understand the actual requirement. The app should have the facility to book an appointment with doctors, the pathology facilities data, available pharmacy, working hours and so on.

As the app will be too personal, keeping the data secure should be given the priority. Developing this app, you can serve the industry better in terms of

  • Triage Management
  • Clinician Management
  • Home Care Management
  • Delivery Management
  • e-Procurement
  • Billing and Collection Management
  • HIPAA Compliance
  • Digital Record Keeping etc

The app can be developed from the doctors, hospitals, pharmacies, patients and so on. The app can provide support to all of them and ultimately to the patient.

6. Event Management App

Nowadays, people need everything handy and so, they require a mobile app for each and everything including event management app. Start your new business by providing the facility to users for registering themselves for any type of event or happenings through the app.

Be it a party or conference or fair or any other occasion, the app should provide them an all-around information to attract heavy traffic and huge revenue. So, if you have even a little understanding and interest in this field, this business can surely lead you towards success.

  • Corporate Events
  • Personal Events
  • Cultural events
  • For Conferences or all inclusive

Typically, the below things should be included while developing this app for better user experience:

Start by providing the maps for event location which is integral for any event app and a great help for the people traveling from other places.
Next, it should allow easy booking and cancellation. This can be made easy by providing the registration link.

In short, the below features are eminent:

  • Event agenda and schedule
  • Sending Invitation
  • Guest registration
  • Exhibitor and sponsor management
  • Vendor management
  • Regular Automatic Updates
  • Email and promotional programs
  • Discount codes
  • Secure payment Gateway creation

7. Computer Repair Business

Being a techie, you must be aware of the software part of the systems. So, acquiring a little knowledge about hardware can lead you towards the path of success. Nowadays, every single urban personal is having either laptop or desktop of other similar systems and so, repairing and maintenance activity they surely would like to have.

As the systems have become an integral part of life, keeping the data safe and secure is the another hurdle for them. And all of them are well aware that only periodical maintenance and timely repairing can keep the valuable data secure.

So, why you should not think to assist them in professional manner. This can be a great idea to start a business. This small business idea can be started with low investment and even with the lower risk factor. You just require some tools for startup.
Below are few highlight which can give you the reasons for thinking about this idea.

  • Minimal Start-up cost
  • Large market coverage including individual users, small
  • businesses home-based businesses and so on
  • Office setup is not required
  • Can be started with serving close ones

How can this service be more effective?

  • Good service can fly with word of mouth referrals Maintenance services can be provided to ongoing clients.
  • Emergency support can be offered for increasing client base Competitive price can be offered.

As innovation transforms, you have numerous approaches to extend your service offerings, let’s say remote computer data access, Cloud backup configuration etc.

8. Furniture Rental App

As people have started moving frequently from one city to other, most of them would like to have the rental furniture as they do not want to carry with them. So, developing a Furniture rental app can be of great assistance for the people coming to the unknown city. And also a great small business idea.

The furniture business owners will definitely get attracted to your idea. Most of the professionals who live alone, require such services. You have to add some key features like:
Packages :

  • Package customization
  • Specified sets as per the rooms requirement
  • If making for all-inclusive means for residential as well as commercial purpose, then develop the features according to the demand.
  • Payment options
  • Order processing
  • Shipping and Delivery
  • Maintenance support key etc
  • Customer support feature or live chat option can also be added.

9. Fitness App Development

Most of the fitness equipment seller is always in look for increasing revenue through various means. They can be the potential buyer for your Fitness app. You can also offer a subscription with some charges. As they are already selling the product, guiding the existing and target customers through this app would be quite helpful for them.

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Maintaining fitness is one of the biggest challenges now a day and the prime culprit is the time constraint. So, if the people will be served with this app along with the fitness equipment, managing overall health will become much easier for them. So, just give a thought to this small business idea out of many and become your own boss.
Various types of apps can be developed to keep the people healthy and fit. It can be

  • Activity tracking apps such as keeping a record of your daily steps
  • Diet and nutrition guiding apps
  • App for workout or exercise and so on

Basic features for any of these apps:

  • Account creation
  • Linking various other services
  • Key for adding personal info
  • Tracking user’s activities
  • Integrating location
  • Notifications
  • Setting targets
  • Pre-set exercise routines/creating workouts
  • Providing updates and so on

10. Real Estate App Development

Any of the mobile application has been developed to provide better use assistance a so the Real Estate App is. The idea is great for a startup business. With a low investment, the idea can be sold easily.

By adding the following features, the app can be fruitful for real estate business.

  • Push Notifications
  • Software embedded
  • Virtual Reality
  • Payment Gateway Integration
  • Video Streaming
  • QR & Bar Code Scanner Reader
  • Quiz App
  • Google Maps App
  • Bluetooth technology
  • GPS Integration

The app can be used for various purposes such as:

  • A direct marketing channel.
  • 24/7 connectivity with customers.
  • Easy brand building.

Detailed visual showcasing of property listings and inventories The Real Estate App is not only helpful for local customers but great assistance for the Nonresidents and the people shift from other cities. So, why can’t sell your knowledge and skill with the best-developed platform?
Here is the list of some small business ideas for technical persons and any of them can be started with low investment. Now you do not have to generate idea rather have to start working on any one of them. Initially, it might look little difficult but then expertise and hard work always count. So, just go ahead and lead your life proudly.


If you have any question or query in your mind, please feel free to ask. We are available with all sort of answers for your questions. You can check our Facebook or Twitter page for the latest updates and information regarding our services. We would love to answer your inquiries. You can reach us at Perception System Our Twitter and LinkedIn Page.

The post Top 10 small business startup ideas for Techie Entrepreneurs with less investment appeared first on Perception System.

10 Reasons Why You Should Attend Tech Events to Boost your Business Mon, 16 Oct 2017 00:00:00 +0000 Do you know that attending a tech and web event can save your business from future lost? There are so many business owners who don’t see the reason why they should attend any event or conferences of such as they regard it as a waste of their precious time.

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If you are striving towards becoming a successful business owner and want an event that can help boost your business, I don’t see any reason why you should miss a tech and web event. As a business owner, there are so many great ways you can benefit from attending events like these.

Attending a tech event is one of the fastest ways to boost your business and also another way to stay up to date in the tech world. Just one event or conference can bring a positive turn-around in your business.

If you are still doubting whether to attend any upcoming tech and web event in your community or city, I want to share with you 10 reasons you should attend and how it can boost your business.

1. You Are Updated About Coming Trends

No matter how knowledgeable and current you are at your business, you can’t be able to predict or be up-to-date about every coming trend in your niche. We are in the technological times where technologies are changing the way businesses operate.

There is one thing that is constant and that is change. There are some changes that can take place in your market space that can be so costly and can destroy your business if you are caught unaware.

Attending events like these where smart and like-minded people are gathered is one way to stay updated about coming trend so you don’t get caught unaware and end up losing your market share to your competitors because they did attend such events and were prepared for such changes.

Also, there is no one better to get information from than from the person speaking at the podium. These people are regarded as professionals, experts or leaders in the tech and web industry.

These kinds of events provide you access to expert speakers who will help turn your business around positively in terms of providing you with useful information you will need to move forward in your business.

You will agree with me that keeping up with technological change involves significant research and time which you as a business owner doesn’t have. Attending such events exposes you to the latest changes that can help you save cost, time and boost your business.

From experience, many big companies like SpaceX do announce their biggest new projects at these kinds of events which business owners can take advantage of. You don’t want to miss out, do you?

2. For Networking Purpose

There is so much to an event than just sitting and listening to the expert speak. Business is not just about what you know but who you know. Events such as these create rooms for networking with other business owners in the tech and web industry.

Web Summit is the largest tech conference in the world attracting world’s top tech experts to come speak. Web Summit do host event annually with over 50,000 attendees and over 400 speakers. You can particularly go to such event to network if listening to what they have to say is not important to you.

With over 50,000 attendees, you have the golden opportunity to connect with smart people like you. You can make connections during break time after a session and exchange contacts. You can never tell; you may find yourself sitting next to your future supplier or customer.

Moreover, people you meet in these events can end up becoming a great source of business referral or open you to new opportunities.

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3. Meet with Investors

Apart from making connections with valuable prospects, you can also meet with investors who are looking for profitable ventures to invest their money in. If you are one of those business owners looking for investors that will invest into your business, here is why you should attend these events.

Most tech and web events usually invite investors and do create pitch sessions for business owners to utilize. This is one way to raise fund for your business to boost your business if you need one.

Aside from pitching your business idea to investors, you can still keep close contact with them for future purposes.

Tech conference like Web Summit does have a program called “Office Hour”. This program helps to connect business owners with investors for a 15-minutes meeting and most startups have closed a lot of deals with this opportunity.

If at last, you don’t get to win any investor, you see get to learn from others that did and also know what you did wrong.

Not still convince why you should attend these events to boost your business? Not to worry, I have more for you.

4. Inspiration

This is one benefit of attending these kinds of events. Entrepreneurship is a lonely road and most times we all get so isolated that what we need is some little inspiration to fell inspired, refreshed and energized to carry on.

The idea and concept that is always been shared on tech and web events are incredibly exciting. Hearing the achievement of others can inspire you to want to do more and apply their strategy to your business.

The inspiration you get from these events will challenge you to become more productive which can lay the foundation for growth. Attending these events can introduce you to inspiring people you would want to connect with for their inspiration.

Many business owners have come back from events like these with new ideas, creativity, and innovation for their business. If you are looking for a life-changing experience to boost your business, you should never miss these events.

5. You Become a Thought Leader

With lots of experience and information that will be gotten from these events, you automatically become a thought leader in your niche or industry. Some of these events come with a certificate from programs you can attend while at the event if it is not a 1-day event.

The speakers at these events are among the best in their industry. Learning from them by listening and jotting down means you are duplicating their brain which normally is not easy to access anywhere except these kind of events.

What you will learn will not only take you out of your comfort zone but, will raise your perspective about your business and the industry at large.

When top leaders discover that you attend these events regularly, they will want to invite you as a keynote speaker at their own event because they believe you must have learned something and you have enough to share with their audience. This alone position you as an authority in your industry.

As usual, when you become a thought leader or an authority in your industry, other top business owners and investors will know you and want to connect with you. You may eventually end up as a speaker in any Web Summit event or other large tech events.

6. You Are Introduce to New Tools which can Boost your Business

At any tech or web event, companies always have new tools that you have not seen before to display whether at the expo floor or few tables near your coffee table.

Most times it is either an App or a new productivity gadget. Sometimes a software. Companies will give you access to these new tools to try and see if you will like any. Some just came for user’s experience and feedback to know if they should push further and launch the product.

Though, you can easily hear of new tech tools online if you are subscribed to any tech site for updates. But, these events give you the access to try the product right there. You may even be the first to know and use a product before it goes viral giving you an edge over your competitors.

These companies have representatives who will always educate you on the importance of their products to your business and how it can help boost your business.

7. You Get Solution to Problems

As an entrepreneur, I understand that there are sometimes some problems that require out-of-the-box thinking and most times we don’t get to know the solution ourselves. These events can offer you the opportunity to address any challenges you may be experiencing in your business.

During the Q & A session, you will be given the chance to ask questions that you need clarity to regarding your business and you will be given the perfect answer to your questions.

Aside from the question to answer method of getting solutions to your problems, you can network with experienced professionals who may help you out if you are a shy person that find it difficult to talk in public.

8. You Have Got Nothing to Lose

An event with so many activities? You have nothing to lose I tell you. No matter what industry you are, there is something I guaranty that you must pick up at these events.

You can be introduced to a software that you can use in your business which can help you save time, cost and boost your business.

They are so many potential benefits such as;

  • Learning in a new space.
  • Meeting experts and influencers face to face.
  • New tips and tactics for business etc.

With thought leaders sharing their amazing success stories, secrets to business growth and success, you can’t tell me you will be wasting your time attending these events. It is definitely impossible!

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9. You Are Investing in Yourself

Whether you are going for networking purpose, inspiration, to get updates on upcoming trends, meeting with investors, or just to get yourself away from your hustle, attending these events means you are investing in yourself.

I know somehow I have covered it above but I just have to make it separate so you see it alone and get the message differently.

Attending these events is an investment in your business, in yourself and in your employees. This is because, during the course of working with them on some projects, you will be teaching and sharing with them some vital things they need to know to become more productive.

If only you can see it this way, you will want to carry your top executives along so they too can upgrade their knowledge.

10. The Energy of Like-Minded People

Lastly, attending these events can ignite energy in you when you see lot of people with like mindset and energy sitting close to you striving to learn and be better. When you discover that you are not alone in the quest for knowledge, it motivates you to grow and challenge yourself in your business.

You can’t get this energy from an online event no matter the app or software used to host the event. The atmosphere at these events enlighten your spirit and you will be praying it doesn’t end.

With this same energy, as you go back to your office, productivity is increase and you start evaluating your business to see if you are on the right track as you don’t want to be behind.

Are you still doubting if you should attend these events to boost your business? I know you are not because with the above reasons I have shared, you have now seen what you must have been missing not attending these events.

All the reasons explained above are very beneficial to your business if you are looking at boosting your business.

Be on the lookout for any of these events so you don’t miss any update on coming event. You can subscribe to any sites that can be getting you updated for such kind of events.

Contact us for any mobile and web development services.

The post 10 Reasons Why You Should Attend Tech Events to Boost your Business appeared first on Perception System.

How to build a Web Portal for your Online Business: 10 Simple Ways Tue, 31 Jan 2017 00:00:00 +0000 To develop an own web portal for your business, you should follow some easy tips that are given in this post.Below, you can find ten simple to follow tips that make your task of developing web portal a lot easier.So, go through this post.

The post How to build a Web Portal for your Online Business: 10 Simple Ways appeared first on Perception System.


The post-COVID-19 statistics show that online marketplace trends are on a hike. One-third of consumers in the US increased online spending post lockdown. This shows the on-demand trends in the future for massive consumer engagement through online web portals. A well-planned web portal minimizes the risk and maximizes online visibility.

With the advent of the Internet, enterprises all across the world have rapidly adopted web technologies. Websites have become the face of modern-day enterprises. Along with this, web portals came into existence and soon become a vital part of the online ecosystem. Owing to our years of experience in developing web portals we can conclude that there are three major factors to consider while deciding a way to create an online portal for your business – Time, Cost, and Performance.

There are several methods and strategies for creating a web portal for your business. These are but are not limited to open sources CMS framework, enterprise web technologies and ready web templates. Each of these options is having its own cost, time and reliability factor to decide the best way. Let’s start discussing all these options step by step.

10 Different Ways to create a Portal Website – Let’s evaluate which of these best fits your online business requirement.

There are already multiple approaches to develop website portals and can create a confusion in choosing the best one. Let us explain in detail the top ways to build a web portal while you’re planning to bring your business online.  So, in this article, we will drive you through all different ways about how to create a web portal website, and you yourself can find what best fits with your business nature.

By the end of this article, you’ll be aware of all the ways how your business can use web development approach and its advantages. You will be able to make a suitable decision, to make a web portal development task easier and simpler and get your online business more organized. Let’s get started with web portal development steps.

1. Open-Source Frameworks

The cost-effective way to quickly put your business online, you can build online web portal using industry established open sources.

There are plenty of popular and free open-source frameworks for building websites easily. WordPress, Drupal and Joomla are free open-source CMS (Content Management System) frameworks to build your business website easily and quickly. While Magento, Shopify and WooCommerce are best ecommerce open-source software to build your online shopping cart on the go. 

There are still lots of other open sources available for portal website design in the market. Small businesses have less time span and lower budget. To apt with your time and cost a free open-source web development methodology is the best option to adopt. All these open source tools allows you to easily setup, customize and maintain efficiently.

2. Proprietary Enterprise Frameworks

An enterprise web portal represents your enterprise on the internet. The portal allows you to have your presence broadly across the globe at large scale with an extended audience reach. Hence you need secured, scalable and high-perfuming software solution.

Different enterprise applications pursue unique and exceptional enterprise frameworks depending upon their business nature. An Enterprise Content Management System (ECM) extends the CMS framework propriety by adding wider spectrum of content management for its distributed content practises. While an enterprise ecommerce platform is an ecommerce model that allows online trade requirements at a large scale. Enterprise-level e-commerce framework is scalable with business size and growth synopsis.

Enterprise architecture framework (EA framework) enables building enterprise grade software and influences architecture description of a system at enterprise level instruments. A proprietary software, is also known as licensed software or closed-source software. Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), Contentful are leading content platforms for enterprises, and are one of the most significant enterprise software that revolutionized the world in content management and content distribution.

Salesforce provides enterprise suite for customer relationship management system, focused with customer service, marketing automation, sales tools and analytics. Microsoft Dynamics is an enterprise resource planning framework. The flexibility and comprehensiveness practise of “Microsoft Business Solutions” encompasses for intelligent business applications needs including Supply Chain Management, ERP, and enterprise CRM solutions.

3. Free Website Builders

If your organization, whether its small business, or a start-up appetite, you need a quick web solution with cost constrains to share your new idea to the world. Free Website building tools are the best opportunities to launch your venture easily and to fray away coding jargons. Website builders are a perfect way to create any kind of web portal without hiring any web developers or web designers.

Wix, Weebly and Squarespace are simple tools to go online quickly with your any difficult business ideas. There are so many other such web building tools already available in the market. However, you must choose the the best tool that can bring the perfect solution for your online business concept. You need to define your features list first. For an example, if you have online shopping, blogging, product showcasing, or online booking functionalities. Also need to consider content changes and other factors before going with any website builder.

Hire on-demand dedicated developers of desired skill & experience.

4. SAAS (Software As A Services)

If you have a tight timeline and a good budget to bring your product quickly on internet, you can develop your web portal without overburdening with custom software development process.

Entrepreneurs love SAAS based web portals, for its pay-as-you-go model. Such SAAS products are built on scalable and secured platforms, and have invested in lightweight, easy-to-maintain software solution.

SAAS platforms helps online businesses from diverse industry domains including B2B and B2C. It helps with all type of business legacy solutions built for specific business models giving their owners a competitive edge. Concur is the best example to connect your financial transactions and control your expenditure management efficiently anywhere, anytime with intelligent automation tools. Another good example is DocuSign, to manage your documents and electronic agreements with real-time notifications and approval mechanism.

5. Ready Website Templates & Themes

Another relaxed way for you to start your website is choosing from a selection of templates for your portal idea. The better ones, such as template monster, LWE and theme forest, use templates that automatically reformat your site for viewing on mobile devices. Ready web templates providers hold the palm of supremacy if you need a ready high-quality template, or ready-to-install theme solutions. You can easily find suitable templates for service portals like online education, wedding and event management.

Such web template marketplace, have the ample number of web portal design options available with desired functionalities and features for your small web portal needs. They also offer specifically designed templates based on your business category, industry and profession purpose, wide selection-based colour schemes, fonts, and page layouts.

6. Web Hosting Ready Solutions

WPEngine, Cloudways and DigitalOcean are few companies that offer a great balance between affordability and great functionality for ready hosted solutions. They are more suitable especially for ecommerce, blog, forum and gaming applications, that come with cloud-based managed hosting framework. Hosted web portals come with installation ready framework, managed by third party software providers and licensee. You can access such setup entirely from a remote server or location and can access it globally through the Internet.

Their cloud servers come with built-in features set of, staging, production and auto scaling environment. You can balance your hosting resources as your portal website grows. With the increasing popularity of WordPress, Drupal and Magento as a web portal creation platform, they are now offering Managed Hosting and packaged website tools.

7. Server less Mobile App

Dynamic Websites with pre-built Serverless technologies is an easier way to build your business application portal on a cloud.

Serverless computing is all on its worth amongst the upcoming concept of managing less in-term of resources while building more in-term of functionalities. This technology is a futuristic vision and still quite new, a lot of cloud companies are going out of their way to building outstanding web solutions for effective business operations.

Serverless Components, and 15 other such frameworks are available for creating serverless web and mobile apps. They are compatible with all the cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. Moreover, these frameworks support all major web programming languages including node.JS, Python, Go, Java, and PHP.

8. Microservice Architecture

Microservice architecture is inherited from service-oriented architecture, it’s a set application as a collection of loosely-coupled services. Microservices based web applications are being developed as a single application from the set of small services, with each service running on its own process. These services inter communicate to grain application that require high scalability, while subsystems scale vertically.

You can use many technologies based on Java, Pyhton and .NET Core and NodeJS for this. You can start developing distinct micro services independently and run them side by side. Thus, you can build a reliable platform to extend your business taking advantage of technology disruption.

If you are planning to launch a large web portal with complex online business processes, this architecture can design your web application that goes with your needs. Microservices based websites enable you to easily change the functional requirements and scale of your product, as well as add things on the go whenever required. 

Amazon, Netflix, Uber, and Etsy use this approach to simplify different components of their web platforms, and monoliths and scaled for exceptional apexes with Microservices paradigm.

9. Ready Portal Scripts

There are millions of professional scripts already being developed being sold on software cloning script marketplace. Such scripts selling firms offer readymade, especially PHP scripts including source code with all rights.

You can purchase website clones ready to buy scripts with full license copy. There are readymade open scripts available for news portals, B2B marketplaces, patient & healthcare Portals, customer portals & sales portals complementing the industry needs to have high revenue.

10. Custom Web Development

Custom Web Development is the best way to give you and your customers a greatest experience possible. This is the best way for designing a web portal that yields success. Agile based ongoing web development strategy, where you keep making suggestions very well and keep improving your portal.

Custom web development means with supporting excellent usability, scalability and compatibility for responsive and Omni channel user accessibility.

Complex web portal software always requires custom programming approach, you need to follow a series of steps to begin with, like what query you aim to solve with your portal, who are your customers and your portal visitors? What technical skills and workforce you have to operate it? And more.

Get in touch to know more about our web
development services.


Perception System have helped hundreds of businesses with scalable web portal solutions. In case you are seeking to build your web portal, we recommend following these tips to get a smooth working portal website.

The post How to build a Web Portal for your Online Business: 10 Simple Ways appeared first on Perception System.

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